Paavo on psephology
I can't resist quoting, though, one of the many fine short poems - poems which are at once gnomic and aphoristic - that the Finnish* modernist Paavo Haavikko produced during his career in the second half of the twentieth century:
I vote for Spring, Autumn gets elected, Winter forms the cabinet.
I think about Haavikko's poem every time I vote.
*In case you're wondering, I don't know Finnish: on the page, the language looks to me almost as full of strange spellings and syntactic thickets as Basque, or Rotuman. I rely for my knowledge of Haavikko on the Finnish-American translator-poet Anselm Hollo. Back in 2008 I included Hollo's translation of Haavikko's The Winter Palace in my list of the twenty great long poems of the twentieth century.
[Posted by Scott/Maps]
what a freaky looking dude
as I often say in these situations, anteeksi, en puhu paljon soumea!
I thought you might know Finnish Mark, but then I googled the phrase! Do you know a Bit? Know some Kiwi-Finns? I've never met any, though I know plenty of folks from other parts of Scandinavia. I suppose the language looks so odd partly because, like Hungarian and Basque, it's outside the Indo-European family...
I'm puzzled with lots of exercises. I was afraid I could not do the right time despite my hard work. I need a support person.
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