Thursday, October 13, 2005

Deng Xiaoping, running dog of imperialism

Too late! This blog is already banned in China! We have been left out in the cold, on the wrong side of the The Great Fire Wall erected by the Chinese government to protect its citizens from such barbaric subjects as cryptozoology, the decline of Australian cricket, and the socialist threat to Venezuela's coke drinkers (to name three of the hot topics on this blog). That's what my mate Michael 'Diamond' Arnold, exiled poet turned travel blogger extraordinaire, tells me, anyway - he has searched high and low for this blog, across every cyber cafe in Beijing, and been disappointed. Fortunately, we can still read Michael's record of these and other intrepid journeys through the land that never ends, by visiting his Words from the East blog.

To read about a recent not-so-funny violation of civil liberties by China's gerontocracy, have a look at this article
on the BBC website. For another insight into the China of 2005, check out this letter from a dissident Chinese Marxist to the Socialist Appeal website.


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Arnold is... My God!

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arnold is... My God!

9:55 AM  
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