Saturday, September 02, 2006

Trotsky lives?

For the last few days I've battling that old enemy, the flu, and have been reliant on text messages and phone calls to bring me news from the world outside my bedroom.

Here's a message I got from a mate who has been involved in the strike by supermarket workers employed by the misnamed Progressive Enterprises:

We're at the picket line set up at Quay Street to stop scabs. The cops turned up and one of them asked for the name of the person in charge of the picket. Somebody answered 'Leon Trotsky' and he took out his notebook and wrote it down, saying he'd have to have a chat with this character...

If all their opponents are that stupid the supermarket workers are sure to win. You can read about the latest developments in their struggle for a better deal here.

Update: here are four things you can do to help the strike.


Blogger morbo said...

"Somebody answered 'Leon Trotsky' and he took out his notebook and wrote it down, saying he'd have to have a chat with this character..."

I've got to try that sometime

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a scene in Zabriskie Point where the cop writes down the protester's name as Carl Marks

10:27 PM  

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