Friday, December 01, 2006

The Jack and Gabriel show

The worryingly ubiquitous Jack Ross (are there more than one of him? have you never seen them in the same room?) will be introducing Gabriel White's ninety minute movie Aucklantis when it screens tomorrow - that's Saturday, the 2nd of December - at 3 pm in the Spatial Design building of the Auckland University of Technology.

Before he got into the movie business Gabriel White was a member of Spacesuit, one of the best-kept secrets of the Auckland music scene in the '90s. Inspired by Cook Islands drumming and attention deficit disorder, the boys in Spacesuit used to build fearsome percussive instruments out of innocuous objects like plastic buckets and tinfoil. Their live performances lasted as long as it took to destroy the instruments. Like his music, Gabriel's films (aficianados prefer the less pretentious word 'videos') marry the Kiwi DIY ethic with an appetitie for strangeness. You can whet your appetitie with a clip from Aucklantis here. I suspect Gabriel was acquainted with this wee gem of a novel when he produced his flick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds petty bourgeois.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please to listen please - I am John Sanjay Wells (brother or the other Sanjay):

It IS. I must inform. It is VERY bourgeois: both Mr Jack and Comrade Mr White terribly require re-education.

It is also very very very un-British. And very reducing and bourgeois. Thanks you very please.

These persons are very dangerous. Please to see I am not liking these thngs coming on you Bloggk lately thank you please good evening.

Mr Jack is in too many places.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not that interested in films, but I looked at the website and it says there'll be free beer. I might go now. I'm an alcoholic.

9:02 AM  

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