Sunday, January 14, 2007

From a 'non-Eurocentric perspective'

A piece I wrote on the strange relationship between EP Thompson and Louis Althusser has turned up on the impressively-sized Hartford Web Publishing site.

Hartford Web provides 'pro bono publishing services' for work that 'aims in general to promote social progress', and their site includes texts on everything from the history of the black civil rights struggle in Greater Hartford to Marx's attitude toward Africa to the USS Irex, 'the first US submarine ever to be fitted with a snorkel'. My text is part of Hartford's 'World History Archives', which aim to 'support the study of world history from a working class and non-Eurocentric perspective'. The archives are searchable, so get stuck in, all you googling freaks...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Scott Hamilton Hair Design in Yaletown Vancouver and left with ugly hair
1) The lady who works there did not even listen to what i wanted.
2) She colored my hair the wrong color and missed so many spots so my hair had horizontal stripes on the top layer.
3) When I went back the next day she pretended she couldnt see what I was talking about and so did the owner
4) She was rude and told me a story about a client who lie
5) When I called the owner to complain he was extremely rude and told me to get lost and that he never wants to see me or speak to me!
I went to so many other salons to try to fix the problem and no one wants to touch my hair anymore because they are afraid it would burn or fall off. If you love your hair and want good service from people who care and will trat you right if you are not happy NEVER GO to Scott Hamilton Hair Design! NEVER! Go to Suki's and ask for Alex he is the best!

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comade Scott Maps - great !
I find your blog fascinating and informative - I don't read it all - I am very interested in your E P Thomsson saga - I don't agree with everything of course - especially re LOTRs but I dont think that is a big deal.

Your arguments and points here and the balance between the "intellectual" and the "artistic" - that is to asay your relative holitsic approach and your very good writing makes for some great stuff on here. It needs to be widely read. So it's good you are on that link.

To push myself - I have finalised the first set of "rooms" of EYELIGHT. (The first "cycle" if you like.) (So there is more stuff on my Blog).

I now have to consider where to continue with it. My problems are both technical and motivational -the technical problems of getting text and images etc up (as I want them as much as I can get them to follow (no artist/poet/creator/textualiser ever can really) what I am designing in as much as I AM designing) is big - but in fact the errors (error is essential) and the mishaps (and my learning process) get included in the total process which is EYELIGHT - which is a sub set of the IP.

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Buy Cialis said...

Well this is funny, how people 600 years ago, they though that the earth was flat.


11:06 AM  

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