Thursday, March 08, 2007

Poetry for Amnesty

Shelling out $20 to hear Jack Ross tell you about his smutty fantasies might seem unreasonable but, this time at least, the money goes to a good cause. Here's an ad for an upcoming Amnesty International fundraiser in Auckland, where Jack will share the stage with some rather more tasteful acts:

An evening of inspirational poetry and music Featuring Elizabeth McRae, Alistair Paterson, Jan Kemp, Jack Ross, Philip Khouri, Riemke Ensing, Burundian Drummers, Yuko Takahashi, Setsuko Strang, Anna Rugis, Richard Green, Jeannette Miller, Ferne Rajanayagam, and Ahmed Zaoui - With Iain Sharp as compère. Friday 16 March, 7.30pm at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Road Tickets: $20. Ph 524-2452 or 521-2050 (admission includes supper and a glass of wine). Hosted by the Remuera Amnesty Group, and all profits to Amnesty International.

William F Schulz is wrong, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AI: a bunch of middle class do-gooders who piss themselves the moment they are forced to choose between the system that supports their comfortable Western lives and a real-life movement of the oppressed:

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remuera! They're based in Remuera!
They should be giving money to US!

9:45 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

It is essential to give supprt to anyone who is prepared to fight the US and British invadors in any way.
In line with this I support that Iraq, Korea, Afgahinistan, Iran - any of these countries now under attack and invaded and being brutalised - struggle in any way by any means, and that Iran for example arm itself with nuclear missiles as is it's right.

This guy writing about telling on who is a "terrorist" is in my book a traitor to the working class revolution and the Iraqi and other national revolutiosn -struggles for freedom.

There is case for such people to be eliminated as they can harm the struggle against Imperialism. That said some of these people are actually confused by reality of politics.

And Amnesty Internationl -while being a bourgeois organsisation - does do good.

The levels of political awarenes and actual working class experience have to be taken into account.

12:50 AM  

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