Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New (old) album from Nick

I've been a Nick Drake fan since I bought one of his albums on a hunch and played 'Things Behind the Sun' to a murky student flat:

Open up the broken cup
Let goodly sin and sunshine in
Yes that's today
And open wide the hymns you hide
You'll find renown where people found
Things that you say
Oh yeah, say what you wanna say
About the farmers and the fun
And the things behind the sun
And the people round your head
Who say everything's been said
Til a movement in your brain
Sends you out into the rain

Alright, most of its songs are available on bootlegs, but this still has to be the most important lost classic to turn up since the Grundrisse came back to London in 1969. If you're wondering what the fuss is all about, check out this video for 'Pink Moon'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that's cool. I've had and loved Pink Moon for ages but a few weeks ago, when Raych and I were driving way down the South Coast of NSW and listening to some insanely good rural radio station, they played 'Chimes of a City Clock'. Somehow I didn't recognise him but we stayed in the car hoping they would announce the singer, and it turned out to be Drake. I got Bryter Layter as soon as we got home.

5:08 PM  
Blogger maps said...

'Chime' doesn't seem to get anthologised but I think it's one of the best songs off Bryter Layter, an album which is IMHO over-produced and over-ornamented. (The raw versions of several tracks on the posthumous Time of No Reply collection are well worth checking out. Luckily, the previously-unreleased stff on the 'new' album is very raw too - it sits nicely beside 'Pink Moon'.

11:08 PM  

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