Monday, June 25, 2007

Will she work out?

Claudia Westmoreland's review of the three latest titles from Titus Books included the controversial claim that Will Christie's poetry readings involve 'bizarre Goth-inspired aeorobic routines'.

There'll be an opportunity to test Claudia's claims next Monday, because Will, who is making a convenient visit to Auckland, has been added to the list of acts to appear at What's in Your Backyard? Will's followers turned up in force to the book launch she shared with Richard Taylor and me in April, and her Luce Canon has been selling strongly ever since. Come along next Monday and see what all the fuss is about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shouldn't titus be mentioning that this event of theirs is going to cost TEN BIG ONES?

And how do we know that this money won't go to the STATE?

1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know why fish swim in the sky
spread their leather wings until
they're, high and dry

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1, I think you mean ten SMALL ones... why are you so afraid of the State? Are you scared your $10 will go to Creative New Zealand or something?

Anonymous 2, I know what you did last summer.

7:54 PM  

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