Saturday, July 14, 2007

'But next time, can you leave the Bain sweater in Dunedin?'

Or, at least, drop it off on the way up, in Te Kauwhata?

Bill Direen is back in the warm south, where he has typed a quick account of his adventures amongst us Rangitoto Yanks. You can read more objective accounts of Bill's tour here, here, and here. If you're interested in the context of this photo, I can report that it was taken while Titus Books big man Brett Cross was interviewing Bill. I've consulted the transcript, and the relevant part of the dialogue is:

Brett: Do you have a favourite colour?

Bill: Yes. Gold.

Go figure...


Blogger Skyler said...

Oops, sorry, post by Maps not Skyler. I keep logging in and get put into the wrong pigeonbox.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Skyler said...

And a 'nice to meet you, hope you like New Zild' to the lovely Sandra while I'm at it. I was going to mention I'd written about your hero's posthumous book:


8:41 PM  
Blogger Skyler said...

You keep stealing my identity Maps!
It was a fun time with Bill and friends though :-)

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr direen and gold go back a long way.

2:27 PM  

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