Friday, November 02, 2007

Live from Gissy

I'm grateful to Alexandre Leite and the Investigando o novo Imperialismo blog for translating my post on trouser-pinching police into Portugese, and to Melanie Malificent for starting an interesting discussion by reproducing my post on Tuhoe history on her live journal.

Melanie hails from Te Kooti's hometown of Turanga/Gisborne, and is one of the movers and shakers of the semi-underground goth/metal scene on the East Coast. In her open letter to the 'terror' arrestees being held on remand, she turns Lemmy, the legendary lizard-like eternally greasy frontman of Motorhead, into a poet of freedom. Great stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's another discussion here:

7:44 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Woah! Thanks for the post and the link.
I'm also responsible for posting it on the PunkAs forums, as linked to by the commenter above. The first few pages - where all the sensible people are talking - are good, but it kinda degenerates into shit after a while.
But that's the way of some forums.

10:36 AM  

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