Saturday, February 23, 2008

Andrew's Alien

Andrew 'love machine' Maitai has popped up occasionally on this blog as the proprietor of Powertool Records and the drummer in the latest incarnation of Bill Direen's legendary backing band, The Builders. Now the big man is adding a new string to his bow, by opening a store full of slashing-edge music and books in the industrial heart of New Lynn.

Named after a famous Direen ditty, Alien has its inaugural birthday party later today:

Powertool Records Presents......

An Alien Afternoon
of FREE live music featuring

Saturday 23rd February, 3pm at Alien, 11 Veronica St, New Lynn
(next to Mag & Turbo)

Check out the cool new shop selling cds, vinyl, books, jewellery and fashion items. Specials on both Vorn and Puddle cds and merchandise.

Kiwi music aficianados will recognise George Henderson's outfit The Puddle as one of the longest-surviving purveyors of the 'Dunedin sound' that was associated with Flying Nun Records back in the '80s. They did, and probably still do, a mean cover of Syd Barrett's 'Candy and a Currant Bun'. After doing some hard time in Invercargill Prison, Henderson should have plenty of new material to play at Alien.

If you can't make it later today, don't despair - Andrew's planning a series of in-store gigs at Alien over the comings months. Step this way for the details.


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