Thursday, August 28, 2008


Whoever can guess the point that this anonymouse commenter was trying to make about Matisse and Pt Chevalier gets a case of Vailima:

PUNKS are too self involved to consider fair play. They already think THEY are the ones that have been slighted and are only playing OLD TESTAMENT PAY BACK! Excuses for every bad move they make! NEVER their fault because someone else made them do it. Usually “the MAN” (lmao) well there is a MAN is there somewhere I’m sure but MOST are just PUNK BOYS! (and Victimized/Insecure Women) PUNK is a general term in my book for young, ignorant, rude borderline criminal immature kids.



Blogger Richard said...

The comments might be bizzare but at least you get more than I do Maps!!

I was a bit puzzled by that quote from the film -one point is of course that young children are not "blinkered" by what they think is "proper art" (at a certain age at least) - my daughter when she was 8 or 10 so did a picture called "Girl on the Faces" which I used as the opening lines of a poem...

It became -

"The girl on the faces is a thousand child"

Of course she meant - the many faces of the girl -
and many - as they get older - lose the potential for imaginative "leaps". (Janet Frame an example of someone who kept young? And creatively alive?)

11:39 PM  

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