Monday, October 13, 2008

Gnawing Martin

I was lucky enough to make it to the launch of Martin Edmond's The Big O Revisited in the University of Auckland's Biology Department, during the last leg of Martin's recent New Zealand tour. This photo shows Martin alongside his mate Michael Steven, whose Soapbox Press rescued The Big O Revisited from a damp Sydney cupboard and the gnawing criticism of the Aussie mice.

I've done my own bit of gnawing over at the Scoop Review of Books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

they look like papa bear and
baby bear

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Steven is

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . mentally unhinged, and carries a large hunting knife in that satchel. He'll turn you into a human a sieve. . .

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but have you read Altar Ego? Was Samuel Marsden a gunrunner?

10:50 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

Good review of Edmond - I read his biog of Clairmont and his essay that won a prize - I have his "Chronicles.

I agree with him that verse and prose often are virtually not separable. And fact and fiction are often (conciously or not) mixed in what I think Mailer called "faction".

He is certainly a very significant/ creative writer.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sokeone's been dipping into my blog and not paying the fee.


9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is unfair to post such an unflattering picture of Michael Steven.

2:07 PM  

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