Saturday, May 02, 2009

Malawi, Manhire, Mugabe - Ted speaks out

If you missed last night's launch of Ted Jenner's Writers in Residence and other captive fauna and are keen to hear the old devil speak, then you can tune in to this interview at the Internet Archive.

Late last year, when Ted was still fiddling with Writers and Residence, Muzzlehatch and I dragged him out to Muzzlehatch's dacha in bushy West Auckland. The first part of the interview, which covered Ted's boyhood and apprenticeship at Otago University, has somehow been erased, but in the fifty minutes of tape left we manage to discuss subjects as various as the crimes of Plato, the parrallels between George Bush and certain ancient rulers, the poetry of Bill Manhire, the philosophy of Heraclitus, the catastrophe of AIDS in Africa, the idiocies of the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe, the economy of Malawi, and the problems of conducting land reform in post-colonial nations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted Jenner talks kinda sly.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Richard said...

Good interview Maps

10:17 PM  
Anonymous genuine writing service said...

Writing is often a difficult task. A good writer should be able to convey an idea to the readers. But what is good writing? That is an important question. It cannot be answered easily. There are several things that combine together to constitute good writing. A writer’s tone for each subject must be different. For example, the writer’s tone for an academic paper is different from the tone of the blog post. Good writing must be simple. Many of them think that good writing is pouring great language and uncommon words and expressions. But that is not true. A good piece of writing conveys ideas in direct and simple ways. As a good writer, one must aim for the simplest way to express ideas. If we are writing about something, we have many things to say about it. If our writing has to considered good, our ideas should be meaningful and logically connected. The flow of a good piece of writing is smooth. Another main quality is the focus. A good writer must be focused on his/her ideas. The writing must be focused on the central idea. The reader should not get lost in the details. A good writer should always ensure the reader that the writer knows exactly what he is talking about. It is important to have good grammar skill in order to craft a good paper. A writer should follow the grammatical rules of Standard English. Grammatik errors create a negative impact on readers. English happens to be one of the languages where there are various words for a similar thought. It is advisable not to distract the readers by filling unwanted words. For example, a student may increase the word count on their assignment by using unwanted long expressions. This is bad writing practice. Practice makes a person good in any field.

10:49 PM  
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1:39 AM  
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12:59 AM  

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