Literature in the age of twitter
The twenty-first century, we are told at ever-decreasing intervals, is the age of speed. The geeks who wired the world to the internet have obliterated many of the obstacles space used to throw in the way of commercial and intellectual exchange, and humans have been earnestly trying to imitate their computers, cellphones, and blackberries by working faster, handling more and more information, and making ever more elaborate attempts at multi-tasking.
Up until recently I thought academic publishing was one of the very rare holdouts against the age of speed. With their demands for hardcopy submissions, the panels of referees they employed to peruse submissions, and the long months they took to reply to would-be authors, academic publishers - the academic publishers I dealt with, anyway - seemed to operate on a schedule that belonged to the glorious era of Victor Gollancz and Cyril Connolly, not to the age of twitter.
The refereed journal of poetics Ka Mate Ka Ora has, however, disabused me of my ideas about the inherently leisurely nature of academic publishing. After submitting my essay about Kendrick Smithyman, American imperialism, and Antarctica to Ka Mate Ka Ora, which was planning a special issue on the influence of American on Kiwi poetry, I received a startlingly quick response. I fired my submission off late on a Thursday afternoon, and on Friday morning received a lengthy referee's report along with a note of acceptance from one of the journal's editors. Ka Mate Ka Ora is academic publishing on amphetamines.
But speedy publishing has its dangers. A few days after having my essay accepted by Ka Mate Ka Ora, I discovered that it contained a grave error. I had written about an unpublished Smithyman poem called 'Aircrash in Antarctica', which I found in Smithyman's papers on a sheet marked '23 October 1958'. I had discovered that an American plane had crashed in Antarctica's Admiralty Mountains on the 16th of October, 1958, and decided that Smithyman must have been responding to this disaster. I was less than delighted when, a few days after getting the thumbs up from Ka Mate Ka Ora, I found another loose sheet of paper with the same poem on it marked '20 October 1956' amidst the chaos of Smithyman's archive. Would I have to junk most of the claims in my essay? Was I wrong to assume that Smithyman must have written his poem in response to a disaster on the white continent, rather than out of some more private urge? Had I underestimated the great man's imagination?
A few desperate google searches revealed that an American transport plane had crashed in Antarctica on the 18th of October 1956 - two days before the earliest draft of Smithyman's poem. It still made some sense, then, to argue that the poem was a response to a specific incident. If anything, the eerie similarities between the 1956 and 1958 disasters underlined my argument that Smithyman saw the 'blooding' of Americans and New Zealanders who ventured into the Antarctic as inevitable, not the result of bad luck or human error.
When I let Ka Mate Ka Ora know I'd need to revise my essay I received an immediate reply informing me that the journal's 'America' issue was about to be uploaded to the net, and that I had only a very short time to make my changes. If I'd been any later in discovering my blunder it would have been preserved forever in cyberspace.
Now the ninth issue of Ka Mate Ka Ora has been officially launched, according to an e mail I received earlier this week from Michele Leggott, the former Kiwi poet laurete who founded and co-edits the journal. It's rather difficult, I suppose, to launch an online publication, compared to more traditional cultural artefacts, like films or ships or printed books: one can't break a bottle over the stern, or hush a packed theatre as curtains part and credits fall hypnotically over an opening scene, or set up a table and an eftpos machine in the corner of a cheap bar and start flogging volumes of prosaic poetry or poetic prose to tipsy punters.
I nevertheless want to welcome the ninth Ka Mate Ka Ora into the world, and to point internet users in its direction. Even if the journal's editors and referees operate with twenty-first century efficiency, their dedication to the ancient and perhaps endangered art of poetry flies in the face of the era of twitter, google, and Sarah Palin. As I've noted in several shockingly elitist posts, poetry, especially the difficult, allusive poetry of Kendrick Smithyman and other modernist masters, demands that we read - and, therefore, think - with a care and creativity which citizens of the twenty-first century, with their much-attenuated attention spans, find increasingly difficult to muster.
Where so many other, more powerful forms of discourse demand that their language be transparent, a mere pane of glass through which a pre-existent subject matter and argument can be viewed by a voyeuristic, because essentially passive, audience, poets - good poets, anyhow - call upon the complex layers of history and meaning which are hidden in even the most apparently simple words and phrases. Because it assumes that New Zealand offers both an audience for poetry and a collection of writers capable of considering poetry thoughtfully and at length, Ka Mate Ka Ora pays us a compliment. We should repay that compliment by reading and contributing to the journal.
Nobody could accuse Brett Cross, the founder and proprietor of Titus Books, of insisting on twenty-first century efficiency. Brett does not return manuscripts in haste, unless he is very unimpressed with them. Like Cyril Connolly, Victor Gollancz, Jonathan Cape and so many of the great publishers of the past, he does not so much read texts as absorb them, word by word and sentence by sentence and page by page. Some book publishers pride themselves on providing would-be authors with exhaustive responses to manuscripts, treatises full of observations about syntactical minutiae and notes on minor characters. These publishers imagine that they are being fastidious, and therefore professional, but no amount of long-windedness can disguise their failure to come to an authoritative judgment on a book. Sartre said that all philosophical questions are ultimately simple, because they come down to a decision to act or not act; the same might be said about the decisions publishers have to make. Brett's judgments, which are often delivered orally, over a beer, have a terseness which should not be confused with superficiality. He makes a decision and sticks with it, regardless of commercial considerations, reviewers' opinions, and the complex politics of the literary world.
The two books being launched by Titus next Thursday at the Alleluya Cafe on Auckland's K Rd are both, in quite different ways, testaments to Brett's style of publishing. Kingdom of Alt is a volume of short stories by Jack Ross, a writer Titus has supported since its inception. With their baroque structures, explicit and sometimes bizarre sex, extreme but seldom gratuitous violence, and innovative use of page layout, variations in font, and illustrations, Jack's books have all too often been easy for reviewers to ignore or to misunderstand. They have also frequently been expensive to publish. Titus has nevertheless stood by Jack, and there are signs now that the critical tide might be turning. It is certainly gratifying for me to see that Paula Green and Harry Ricketts' handsome new survey, 99 Ways into New Zealand Poetry, devotes considerable attention to Jack's work.
Alex's novel was written as part of her Creative Writing degree, and on the surface, at least, it seems to confirm her as a laureate of the switched-on, wired-up generation of twitterers, virtual romancers, and music and DVD pirates. The two main characters of The Constant Losers are pooter-savvy music geeks, who communicate in a dialect that is a strange mixture of the ruthless efficiency of cellphone text-speak and the flagrantly redundant adverbial phrases of decadent youth. "R U OK?" and "I'm like, really busy, like, y'know, being totally wickedly OK" are both sentences you'd expect them to drop.
But Alex's almost anthropological fascination with inner-city youth and musical subcultures and her up-to-the-second vocabulary cannot disguise her decidedly old-fashioned regard for literary form. Like such distinguished works of literature as Dostoevsky's Poor Folk, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Bob Dylan's Tarantula, The Constant Losers can be considered a novel of letters: its two characters fire cheaply but lovingly produced, music-obsessed 'zines' at each other in a mad polemic. The Platonist structure of the novel gives it a classical symmetry and calm, despite its pages of slang and its erratic action.
Update: if you wondered why I spent so many words praising Brett Cross earlier in this post, wonder no more: I've been trying to bludge a copy of The Constant Losers off him, so that I can give it away to a reader of this blog. Brett has agreed to umpire a competition based around the following, deliberately incomplete, paragraph from Alex's novel:
(He used a leaky pen on a Wendy's serviette, and then filled in some colour and detail with ketchup and pepper when we were both seated in the big family dining room at eleven in the morning or so, right under the 24-Hour-Drive-Thru neon lightbox, with a guy in a suit sitting at the next table along pointing at a fast-food-dining-table-sized setup of shiny cardboard diagrams of triangles and waterfalls as if he were in his plush conference centre.______________________________________. He was probably going to agree to join the pyramid scheme right there and then, in the conference centre in their minds, smelling like a $2 meaty chilli.)
A sentence has been omitted from Alex's paragraph; readers are invited to suggest something to fill the gap in the comments box underneath this post. Copies of The Constant Losers will go to the punter who produces the most interesting substitute for the omitted sentence. Feel free to offer something of Proustian length, or Nabokovian delicacy, or something tormented by scrambled syntax and sudden changes of tense.
The winner of our competition will be announced at next Thursday's launch and on this blog later that night. If you're at the launch, Brett might even buy you a beer. If you're not there, he'll get your details and post you a copy of The Constant Losers with twenty-first century efficiency.
hey, 2 thoughts
1 considering the title of alex's book shouldn't the losers of the competition get a prize????
2 why doesn't jack ross get to have a competition based around his book? won't he feel left out.
i probably won't be at the launch. but...i might enter the competition.
It is true that Brett Cross is not efficient.
yes, but he's a great publisher and produces interesting, artistic and challenging literature. Go Brett!!
Looking forward to the launch of Jack and Alex's book next week :-)
Yeah he is great (some say) but...
he does make mistakes...right?
cos no one is perfect...right?
I thought the latest Ka Mate Ka Ora went online months ago!
Apparently it wasn't there officially. At least, it wasn't 'live'. Here's the e mail I got the other day:
hello kmko #9 contributors
after a more than usual number of delays, kmko #9 is now ready to launch. thanks for your patience, and happy reading.
best wishes
*launch announcement for kmko #9*
* *
13 September 2010
* *
*k a m a t e k a o r a # 9*
March 2010
The New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (*nzepc*) is pleased to announce the ninth issue of /Ka Mate Ka Ora: A New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics/, with a special focus on North American legacies in the southern hemisphere.
* Murray Edmond, Trade and True: Anthologies Fifty Years After
Donald Allen’s /The New American Poetry/
* Virginia Gow, ‘The Activity of Evidence’: Robert Creeley’s New Zealand
* Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Hello, America: Christchurch’s 1970s
Pacific Moment
* Scott Hamilton, Before Erebus: Five Footnotes to Kendrick
Smithyman’s ‘Aircrash in Antarctica’
* Ian Wedde, Does Poetry Matter?
* Roger Horrocks, Leigh Davis (1955-2009)
* Paul Millar, Jacquie Baxter / JC Sturm (1927-2009)
* Murray Edmond, ‘Landed Poem Upwards’: Martyn Sanderson (1938-2009)
* Robert Sullivan, Cape Return: for Alistair Te Ariki Campbell
* *
*kmko* is edited by Murray Edmond with assistance from Hilary Chung, Michele Leggott and Lisa Samuels at the University of Auckland, and with the support of a team of consulting and contributing editors. It publishes research essays and readings of New Zealand-related material and welcomes contributions from poets, academics, essayists, teachers and students from within New Zealand and overseas. Submission guidelines and further information at
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Do you know that Cross runs Titus out of his car?
GO BRETT!!! :-) YAY!
Its hardly the age of twitter. Its the age of the internet which spawned the noticeboard, discussion groups, all very cooperative and collective, and then evolved into the blog and so-called social media.
The internet is a democratic medium for communication, the entry price is a digital device and internet access. Of course it is also a capitalist medium because it is driven by advertising and consumption and enabled by state generated energy supply.
But literature was always patronised by a ruling class. Subversive literature part of the class struggle. The internet has opened the channels of communication to the masses.
The internet means that the class divide is being overcome by the classless device. The masses are included as producers of ideas. China is making cheap phones to connect capitalism in Africa. This means media become immediate and incorporated into the production of commodities. Bloggers are changing the world because they are logging onto the class struggle.
So how does this (e)affect literature?
It means anyone can write and self-publish, subverting the imprimature of the academy and media moguls. Communication is instant and global. Blogs which tend towards the individual are constantly drawn to the collective. Commodification of ideas becomes communisation of ideas. Intellectuals are growing organically. The internet has taken the cultural revolution out of print and sped up the circulation time so that subversion is instantaneous.
As Marx said, capitalism is forced to give birth to socialism from its own womb. But the medium is only the massage. To give birth communication has to become communism.
did you know 'alex' that more foreigners die every year in your country than in iraq?
find out here
1,617 last year!
Substitute sentence:
'He was thinking about ordering his agent-cum-bookie on the slanty-eyed side of Balmoral to organise a hit - a ruthless drive-by assassination-by-slug-gun job - on his great rival, a thin silent man who had accountable acquired the street name Sloppy Joe, but first he would have to make a major decision about an unrelated matter.'
correction: 'unaccountably' for 'accountable'
"Anonymous new zeeland said...
did you know 'alex' that more foreigners die every year in your country than in iraq?
find out here
1,617 last year!
8:29 PM
Scott you should delete stupid comments such as this which add nothing to your very good site.
"What, I wonder, happened to the good, or perhaps bad, old days, when students took five years to finish a BA..."
Student loans happened, along with increasingly stringent criteria applied by universities. It isn't enirely impossible, but a number of constraints make this the exception. I think rushing into a PhD is a bad thing, and am scared to see 22 year olds starting such things, but sufficient wisdom comes in time.
I think Alex may just be in her mid twenties :-)
Thanks very much for those comments Chris - it's input like yours that makes blogging worthwhile. Quite agree with you about rushing PhDs, George - these days, with scholarships, students are being pressured to finish them in three, which I think is ridiculous! There has to be the possibility of going down blind alleys, doing about-turns, undergoing crises of faith - in short, thinking creatively, not just linking the dots! Alex though is, I feel, a very creative thinker.
Christopher Michael Simpson i made the pope retire Social Security Number Six Hundred and Sixty-Six I made the first pope in six centuries resign 14 days after the single most highly unlikely celestial super bolide airburst tunguska event that had ever been predicted to any pope in public before it came to pass a star that stopped brighter than the sun in front of everyone and you didn't even notice my two week tunguska notice for his resu may so #google #russian meteorite and count back fourteen days before the first pope in six hundred years quit his job because I said so who're hey Mario you like a my fireball harm trees Tiny URL #dotcom slash I am Jesus Christ
tiny URL dot com slash my fox Memphis #Elvis Sent from my iPhone
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