Watching, and waiting

When McCully and his media entourage got close to the memorial, though, they found it covered in excrement and fish guts. An embarrassed McCully soon scuttled away, and New Zealand's mainstream media ran suggestive stories about 'desecration'. McCully's visit to Betio was allowed to overshadow the rest of his visit to Kiribati.
It was left to Michael Field, long-time Pacific journalist and author of an essential book on Samoa's struggle for freedom from New Zealand, to give some context to the farcical ceremony at Betio. Field, who was attached to the team of politicians and civil servants New Zealand sent to Kiribati, took the time to visit the slums, makeshift hospitals, and underequipped schools of Tarawa, which now counts as one of most densely populated places on earth. As they battle to to fill their bellies, and to avoid diseases like dysentery and tuberculosis, the people of Tarawa understandably find little time for the upkeep of the many memorials to different aspects of the war foreigners fought over their territory.

It is perhaps churlish to criticise the media's interest in the Kiwis who died on Betio, because for six decades the sad story of these men has been neglected not only by our newspapers but by our government and our military.
Shortly after the beginning of the Second World War New Zealand defence forces distributed a mixture of army personnel and civilians on a series of atolls in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, the British colony which would eventually be divided into the independent states of Kiribati and Tuvalu. The coastwatchers, who were given radio gear but not guns, were supposed to observe the movement of ships, and provide advance warning of the intentions of hostile forces. The navy initially used Catalina Patrol Bomber flying boats, which servicemen nicknamed 'Cats', to check up on some of the coastwatchers, but after Japan attacked Pearl Harbour and began to move through the central Pacific in December 1941 the unfortunate men were virtually abandoned by New Zealand authorities. Some of the coastwatchers were befriended by villages of I-Kiribati; others had been placed on uninhabited islands, and had to feed and amuse themselves.
Japanese forces had entered parts of the Gilbert and Ellice archipelagoes only days after the attack on Pearl Harbour, but it was not until August 1942 that most of the coastwatchers were arrested and removed from their isolated islands, and taken to Betio. On the 15th of October, in the aftermath of a raid on Tarawa by American planes, seventeen of the coastwatchers were beheaded on Betio.
Perhaps because they were not officially regarded as part of the military, the executed coastwatchers have not received the recognition accorded to most other Kiwis who died overseas during World War Two. The memorial on Betio was funded by the Australian government. In the aftermath of McCully's visit to Betio, John James, a ninety year-old former coastwatcher who survived the Japanese occupation of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, used an interview with Television New Zealand to condemn the neglect of his fallen comrades’ memory, and to call for a memorial to be built for them in New Zealand.
The coastwatchers may have remained remote from the consciousness of the mass of the New Zealand public in the decades after World War Two, but they did not escape the attention of one of our finest poets. In a text written on the second day of 1985, Kendrick Smithyman described the strange and ultimately tragic situation of a coastwatcher:
The coastwatcher brewed up and set out six
cups but seven saucers. Five from the Cat watched;
part of their mission was observe and assess.
He poured tea into the saucer, warning
“Don’t say anything. If you talk they won’t come out.”
Out plodded a file of big cockroaches to surround
the saucer, and slurp up heartily.
“When they finish up I’ll show you their tricks.
When I first came to this atoll I collected shells.
Then I did birdwatching, and after that, fish.
What bothers me is,
what am I going to do next?”
Really, that wasn’t to worry about.
The Nips suddenly made a pass and picked up all the coastwatchers along the line.
They took them to Tarawa. They cut their heads off.
'Coastwatcher' is included in Private Bestiary, the selection of previously unpublished Smithyman poems I will be launching with Titus Books later this month.

It is not hard to see how Smithyman, who often felt forgotten by military bureaucracy, even when he was serving in New Zealand, and who suffered months of isolation and homesickness on Norfolk Island during the last months of World War Two, might empathise with the lonely coastwatchers of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. In the poems he wrote about coastwatchers, about his time on Norfolk, and about the cruelly routinised life that training camps and barracks on New Zealand's 'home front' offered, Smithyman seems to be challenging standard ideas about New Zealand's military contribution to World War Two. Instead of the heroic, often rather glamorous images of the gladiators of Monte Cassino and El Alamein which are part and parcel of Anzac Day speeches and children's war comics, Smithyman offers us tales of loneliness, frustration, and fear of sudden death. Smithyman never stepped onto a battlefield, but might we nevertheless decide that his picture of war is more accurate than the more popular alternative?
And is it going too far to argue that the situation of Kiwi coastwatchers during World War Two might serve as a sort of metaphor for the situation of the I-Kiribati today? These one hundred thousand people, who are heirs to one of the most extraordinarily creative cultural traditions in history, are struggling with the overcrowding of some of their atolls and the depopulation of others, as landless young people flock to the few islands where work for wages can sometimes be found. Low-lying Kiribati also faces the threat of rising sea levels caused by global warming.

'Smithyman never stepped onto a battlefield, but might we nevertheless decide that his picture of war is more accurate than the more popular alternative?'
that is a very strange comment.......
Hi Ron,
I see from your profile that you were born in the noble city of Huntly and grew up not too far away. Did you get out into the coal country west of Huntly and the limestone country to the northwest very often? That area's one of my obsessions: I'd love to hear what you thought/think of it...
Thanks for this Scott, my grandfather fought in the war and was stationed around Italy, but I've never even heard of the 'coastwatchers'. What a sad fate. I feel for the people living there now also, left and forgotten on a sinking atoll..what a day it would be when money for 'party central' could be spent on those in need.
what do all you commies think of the fact that your president obummer has just done a hindu pagan dance in india to celebrate the pagan holiday of diwali?
The US President has shown other ties to the Hindu faith before as he is known to carry a Hindu monkey god in his pocket as apparently some type of good luck charm.
And the secular news media in the USA wonders why many do not believe that Barack Obama is a Christian.
Real Christians do not carry idols of pagan gods or other “good luck charms”. Nor do they celebrate pagan holidays. But US President Obama does both.
And before all you monkey-men start jabbering away replying to me...'replying' what a joke...
I know enough to predict exactly what you would say. How did I know? How did I know you would say that? Because you (r kind) are so utterly predictable. You act as though having a name gives you some pass on principle and accountability. “Hey, I have a name, so I get to mouth off without anyone calling me on it.”
Well, as you mature you’ll realize that life doesn’t work that way. Be patient. And if you finish your days without coming to a fuller more rewarding state of being, fear not, god is a merciful god.
So to judge that these others those who fought can only judge - you who probably didn't actually fight in any war anywhere (or if you did you weren't everywhere in that war (or indeed not everywhere)) and didn't know totally everything about that war and perhaps all other wars and in fact all things knowable...); well - how can you (or anyone else not totally involved in one or all wars; and not omniscient); judge that those who should judge are only those who can judge? And who or what will or can make judgment on this or these judgments...??
Are any judgments being made at all? Given our limited direct empirical knowledge of everything possible or actual or potential or past in the universe, can we or should we make judgments of any kind?
Your argument or discourse or comment or peroration or observation impassioned considered fired point blank or otherwise; can lead (or not lead given the extent or intensity or degree of one's (your, his, hers it's or my)) empirical and existential involvement in (say, bloodletting) to - war with Japan (say) (or with anyone else one could consider aht war could or might have been made with: if war can be said to made)) is or is not good / possible / Nation Building / heroic / patriotic / pornographic / comical tragic / historical / putative / phenomenal substantive / ecstatic / comical / musical / bad / deep / anything ... as those who ordered troops into the war had not yet fought in the war (as it hadn't yet started) - whatever war you are to fight in. So in fact no war makes any real sense (or as much as perpetual or "total" war makes total or no sense): and it (war or anything else) cant be judged one way or that other as you cant judge it unless you were involved in all aspects of all wars - in fact only if you were or are omniscient or even omnipotent - then you might be able to start to form a judgment of whether you (or "one") could judge of not...
By this time one is seriously wondering if anyone can judge anything about war or indeed anything at all; as it has to be from direct total and even a proleptic experience - so well - all that has been written about or spoken about wars is or could well be either false (or perhaps falsified or falsifiable) or at the least questionable...perhaps even may even be a waste of time talking about war at all..anything at all in fact....
Because we (or everyone) didn't take part we might even ask - was there even war at all? And: who were the enemies or even - who were the combatants?
We could perhaps consult on question or this sad subjunctive and mortal morass with the Cockroaches...perhaps they have some understanding of whether WW2 or (in fact any) war ever took place ..or...or...or...
Fact:there are way to many people on this poor planet.
Fact:Most people see themselves as superior to other life forms.
Fact:There is only a very miniscule segment of society trying to actively consume less.
Fact:Society tells us to reproduce, not the inverse!
but I think there are much easier ways of reducing human population without killing other animals and plants.
"Anonymous pete o'keefe said...
what do all you commies think of the fact that your president obummer has just done a hindu pagan dance in india to celebrate the pagan holiday of diwali?
The US President has shown other ties to the Hindu faith before as he is known to carry a Hindu monkey god in his pocket as apparently some type of good luck charm.
And the secular news media in the USA wonders why many do not believe that Barack Obama is a Christian.
Real Christians do not carry idols of pagan gods or other “good luck charms”. Nor do they celebrate pagan holidays. But US President Obama does both."
Of course he carries a Monkey God! He is an evil, black, Moslemic communistical Jew Nazi Hindu loving (he curries favour with them ...ha! ha!! ha!!!!) U.S hating unbelieving sodomizing Fascist Pacifist nigger - but apart from all that and more he is a fine fellow.
Pete. You. are. boring. Grab your pitch fork and burning torch and head back to the 16th century please.
This is an interesting post which should stimulate thought about war, history, and the realities of the people on this small atoll.
Thank you Kiribati for supporting my website so much! I know that your people have seen multiple ufos and for the most part it has gone unreported. I am working on a story now. Again thanks
I am writing to request permission to reprint the following material in a project to be published by Bridgepoint Education. Bridgepoint’s project is a higher-education textbook, and will be published primarily as an e-book with the option for students to print pages for their convenience. The project will also have a very small print version to be offered as a complimentary product for students serving in the military or as desk copies for potential adopters of the text. Further details about the project are listed below for your reference.
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Trekking Guide & Tour Operator
My name is Sanjib Adhikari. As an independent trekking guide and tour operator in Nepal, I would like to welcome everyone in my motherland country, Nepal. With the keen interest in the adventure tourism, I have been involved in this field at a very young age. Pursuing my career in different capacities as porter, assistant guide, I have developed myself as an independent trekking guide and leadership in various outdoor activities. Licensed and fully certified from the Government of Nepal, we plan and guide for exploration and adventure throughout Nepal.
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Namaste and Warm Greetings from Himalayan Country Nepal!!!
Trekking Guide & Tour Operator
My name is Sanjib Adhikari. As an independent trekking guide and tour operator in Nepal, I would like to welcome everyone in my motherland country, Nepal. With the keen interest in the adventure tourism, I have been involved in this field at a very young age. Pursuing my career in different capacities as porter, assistant guide, I have developed myself as an independent trekking guide and leadership in various outdoor activities. Licensed and fully certified from the Government of Nepal, we plan and guide for exploration and adventure throughout Nepal.
Nepal Planet Treks (Pvt. Ltd.)
Post Box: 4453 Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mobile: +977-9841613822
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Alpine Eco Trek & Expedition (P) Ltd.
P.O.Box: 19844 Thamel Marga 29, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: (+977-1) 4420187, Res: (+977-1) 4027424
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The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is counted among the most popular treks on the earth. Mt. Annapurna towers to 8091m and is regarded as the 10th highest peak in the world. The Annapurna region actually lies in the base of Mt. Annapurna in north-central region in Nepal extending from the Kali Gandaki River in the west to the Marsyangdi Khola in the east. With its stunning scenery and hilly traditions Annapurna Region has been a popular destination for trekkers from all over the world. This region offers unbelievable diverse setting, with huge captivating peaks like Dhaulagiri (8167m), Annapurna I (8091m), Manaslu (8156m), Machhapuchhre (6996m), Tukche peak (6920m), Nilgiri (6940m),Annapurna south (7219m) etc. as well as low land. Annapurna route also lets you encounter with unique Gurung culture.
This reviving trek to Annapurna Base Camp will let you walk through waterfalls, farmlands, villages, rhododendron forests along with stunning mountain vistas. The Annapurna Base Camp trek starts and finishes nearby Pokhara which is a peaceful spot to end after beginning or completing one of the memorable treks. Likewise, we will pass all along a diverse geographical as well as cultural difference with wonderful ranges of wild lives and vegetation. The trail will let you alongside terraced rice fields, lush rhododendron woods, and high elevated landscapes, with the stunning views of Annapurna Range many times.
Being in the company of some of the top mountains of the world and the witnessing the glorious sunrise views over the snow-topped Himalayas with Himalaya Eyes will be really unique and memorable experience. We will tailor the itinerary as per your wish and your schedule. Do let us know if you are planning to go for Annapurna Base Camp Trek.
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu at international airport and transfer to the hotel which we already fixed
Day 02: Sightseeing in Kathmandu valley and preparation day to go Annapurna Base Camp
Day 03: Drive to Pokhara, 6 hours drive from Kathmandu, overnight rest at hotel
Day 04: One hour drive to Nayapul and Trekking to Ulleri lies at the altitude of (2080m.), overnight rest at lodge
Day 05: Trek to Ghorepani (2855m.), overnight rest at Lodge at Ghorepani
Day 06: Trek Tadapani (2650m.), hiking to Poon Hill and overnight rest at Lodge
Day 07: Trek Chhomrong (2100m.), overnight rest at Lodge
Day 08: Trek Dovan (2400m.), overnight rest at Lodge
Day 09: Trek Deurali (3300m.), overnight rest at Lodge
Day 10: Trek to Annapurna Base camp (4200m.), overnight rest at Camp
Day 11: Trek down to Bamboo, overnight rest at lodge.
Day 12: Trek back to Jhinu Danda (1600m.), enjoy in hot spring, overnight rest at lodge
Day 13: Back to the Phedi through Modi River and drive back to Pokhara, overnight rest at Hotel
Day 14: Fly back to Kathmandu, and again transfer to the hotel
Day 15: Fly back to your destination
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We, The team Karma Eco Adventure is a leading travel and trekking company based in Kathmandu Nepal dedicated to help travelers in the country with personally crafted tours and treks. Our passion for tourism and our experience in combined we do make sure every holiday we design for our client is hassle free and enjoyable.
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Warm greetings from Nepal !!!
We, The team Karma Eco Adventure is a leading travel and trekking company based in Kathmandu Nepal dedicated to help travelers in the country with personally crafted tours and treks. Our passion for tourism and our experience in combined we do make sure every holiday we design for our client is hassle free and enjoyable.
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Treks Himalaya an indoor Trekking in Nepal and outdoor tours operative company takes you that further way to guarantee you has a memorable trip that you have been dream is part of your choice. We have 3 days to 30 days your Nepal Trekking to choose but it depending of your timetable for Nepal Tour. We always respect our duty to constantly your Nepal Holiday. Whether you are looking for a quiet gateway, a memorable Hiking in Nepal outing with a family or an exciting nature. We offer you with the best progressive information and itinerary for Trek in Nepal to leading focused Annapurna Base Camp Trekking where you can see spectacular view in 360 degree angle with sunrise and sunset. Annapurna Trekking region is significant to memorize, though, it necessitate an enough level of physical homework and must remembers Annapurna Panorama Trekking that there is also a psychosomatic assurance in walking in mountains. We have other most attractive trip region Langtang Trekking is most rewarding way to skill Nepal natural stunning view of Phaplu Everest Base Camp Trek. We specialize in organize Nepal travel activities excursion such as:- Trekking, Helicopter Tour, Peak Climbing, Mountain Flight, Honeymoon Tour, Sightseeing, Rafting, Jungle Safari, Pilgrim’s Tour, Hotel Reservation, Air Ticket, Tibet and Bhutan Tour many more your vacation desire. Trekking in Nepal, Nepal Trekking, Trek in Nepal, Nepal Tour, Tour in Nepal, Hiking in Nepal, Nepal Travel, Travel in Nepal, Adventure Trekking, Nepal Holiday, Holiday in Nepal, Nepal Tours Trek, Trekking Tours in Nepal, Adventure Trekking in Nepal, Adventure Travel, Adventure Tour
Treks Himalaya an indoor Trekking in Nepal and outdoor tours operative company takes you that further way to guarantee you has a memorable trip that you have been dream is part of your choice for Nepal Trekking. We have 3 days to 30 days your Nepal trekking to choose but it depending of your timetable for Nepal Tour. We always respect our duty to constantly your Nepal Holiday. Whether you are looking for a quiet gateway of Hiking in Nepal a memorable outing with a family or an exciting nature Trek in Nepal. We offer you with the best progressive information and itinerary leading focused Annapurna Base Camp Trekking where you can see spectacular view in 360 degree angle with sunrise and sunset in Annapurna Trekking region is significant to memorize, though, it necessitate an enough level of physical homework and must remembers Annapurna Panorama Trekking that there is also a psychosomatic assurance in walking in mountains and modified as per your requirements of Nepal Travel. We have others most attractive trip region Langtang Trekking is most rewarding way to skill Nepal natural stunning view of Phaplu Everest Base Camp Trek it is significant to memorize of Tour in Nepal, though, it necessitate an enough level of physical homework and must remembers that there is also a psychosomatic assurance in walking in mountains. We attempt to encourage Travel in Nepal to the exterior world while striving to defend an aged tradition as well as conserve the surroundings for generation to come. We specialize in organize Nepal travel activities excursion such as:- Trekking, Helicopter Tour, Peak Climbing, Mountain Flight, Honeymoon Tour, Sightseeing, Rafting, Jungle Safari, Pilgrim’s Tour, Hotel Reservation, Air Ticket, Tibet and Bhutan Tour many more your vacation desire.
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Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek hauls you to the legendary Sherpa Land while letting you reap the mountainous panoramas of the Everest region in a lavish way. In the lap of Mt Everest Base Camp, this luxurious trek leaves you with a redolent experience. Mission Himalaya Treks offers you this package with top-notch services at a reasonable cost. Thus, grab the opportunity to venture into the rustic Everest region with us. Prioritizing your safety and luxury needs the most we are eagerly waiting to serve our beloved visitors.
Pokhara, Nepal, has a plethora of beautiful hiking trails. The Dhampus and Sarangkot trek is one of the most famous treks for those seeking a short holiday excitement. The main attractions of Dhampus Trek include the pleasant Fewa Lakes, the backdrop of the Annapurna peaks, the fascinating countryside panorama, and many more.
Before embarking on a tour in this mysterious nation, have a look at this chart of things not to do in Nepal for a prosperous trip. If you have any inquiries pertaining what should be avoided in Nepal, then please email us at
The history carved city, Himalayan glacial freshwater lakes, and the world's highest elevated snow Himalayan peaks are all excellent delights in Nepal. It's tough to describe how attractive Nepal is because it's a collection of much-worthy natural beauty. Among 1000's amazing places, I have mentioned the 9 most beautiful places in Nepal.
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