Banned and local
It’s marvellous to see that Auckland's libraries are joining similar institutions in other parts of the world in marking Banned Books Week. Here in Ranui library this morning I’ve looked over a nicely presented table, which features books in blank brown wrapping and helpful explanatory notes.
I’ve learned, to my amazement and sadness, that Harry Potter has been booted from many US school libraries, on account of his alleged Satanism, and that Anne Frank’s diary is banned from Lebanon, on the grounds that it might create sympathy for Jews. There are several books banned in the former Soviet Union on the table too. Visitors to the library and invited to remove the brown wrappers from the books, and read them.
I am disappointed, though, that the display doesn’t feature any of the numerous books that have been banned in New Zealand over the years. A famous example of our own banned literature is Jean Devanny’s The Butcher Shop, an alternately coruscating and titillating depiction of life and lust on a New Zealand farm that was removed from shelves in the ’20s on account of its author’s communist views, and her characters’ enjoyment of extramarital sex.
Censorship is not just something that happens in distant, benighted lands.
The libraries do a good job. Anne Frank's diary is a moving book. However the Israelis haven't helped their case by their aggressive military and virtually fascist policies. On the other side there is an ongoing anti-Semitism. Zionism itself, which not all Jewish people support, is a form of "nationalism" and many of the extremist in Israel believe they are the "chosen people". So, I think we are entering a 'disintegrating stage' in human history where what we might think is "right" is long gone and probably irrelevant. I can understand the Hezbollah's struggle against Israel. However in all these struggles people are never interested in what liberals call "fairness" or "freedom". Their allegiances, either extreme Zionists, Muslims or Christians are not to those things. So the world, rather than connecting and organising for a "better world", that world seems to be increasingly fragmented.
I don't know 'The Butcher's Shop'. Are there other examples of banned books here?
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The date of SSC result has not declared yet. SSC Result will be published within 60 days after completing the exam. Every year the result is published on May 7. We can assume that the result will be published before April 30, 2019. There may be a slight change on the date of publication of the SSC Result 2019 Marksheet. When the results are published, you can easily find your results from our website. Before knowing the results, let us know about some information about SSC exam 2019. You can easily get SSC results 2019 from here. On the date of SSC result every year, Education Minister handed over the results to the Prime Minister. Like every year, he will be giving results to the Prime Minister this morning. Then the education board website will be published. We have collected respective link for checking SSC result 2019. To Get SSC Result 2019 with full mark sheet for all education board by providing the best result .Check out the link from below.
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