Who needs New York?

One of the nerve centres of Dunedin literary culture is the Circadian Rhythm Cafe, a narrow cosy space where I was lucky enough to perform as a guest last year, on a night when local luminaries Peter Olds, Bill Direen, David Eggleton, and Richard Reeve graced the stage. Comrade Direen is about to swap his pen for his guitar for a few weeks, but he managed to send me this report from a recent gig at the Dunedin, where a line-up of six local scribblers read for their work for an appreciative audience. I was particularly pleased to learn that Peter Olds - New Zealand's first beatnik, adopted son of James K Baxter, reformed pisshead, and Otago Peninsula Zen sage - is still writing and performing his work. I did a long interview with Peter last year, and he's given me permission to put it on the blog next week. In the meantime, here's Bill's report on last week's gig, along with a few photos taken on the night:
SIX DUNEDIN POETS presented by Stuff Legend
Six poets currently living in Dunedin took the stage last night (Thurs Nov 13th) at Circadian Rhythm Cafe. Although the gig followed the great exodus of students from the city, and in spite of five of the six being men, a good number of local poetry lovers of both sexes turned out for a spirited and multifaceted event.
Peter Olds, the most experienced of us, read first, and in a break with his policy of recent years, gave a sample of his work from nearly four decades. Most of these were drawn from the only selection of his work available, It was a Tuesday Morning (Hazard Press, 2001). Smiles of recognition could be seen as Olds revived poems that had long lain silent. ‘Psycho’, an ode to a car and its passengers and drivers who “roared along Ponsonby Road drunk on rum” was delivered with a self-critical tone devoid of nostalgia. Olds has now reached the stage where he can return to poems written when there were destructive elements in his lifestyle. You could have heard a tatt-needle drop.

After the break, David Karena-Holmes introduced his environmental philosophy and outlined the calamity which New Zealanders and world citizens are facing. He read poems which he had printed out in collectible single-poem editions. Most of these carried an ecological message enriched with his native lyricism. He is concerned with inner spaces as well as outer ones:
though vast we find
the universe, the mind,
even of the blind,
must be just as vast.
( ‘A Star in Space’)

There was something for everyone. Jeanne Bernhardt’s poems and the chance to hear an extract from her speedy (cracky?) novella. David Eggleton entering his prime, finding a middle way between expression and impression. The assertive Reeve (who must be thanked for instigating the evening in the first place). David Karena-Holmes’ ecological diatribes. As for Olds and myself, local writer Lani Cole had this to say the following day:
Really liked the variety and the atmosphere last night. Loved hearing Peter Olds read the poem that got my 6th form boys thinking art could be relevant to their lives and enjoyed hearing everyone else. Your own poems were fine, entertaining pieces; I can hardly imagine the work that went into them.
The evening finished with spontaneous encores (is there any other kind?) from Olds, Bernhardt, Reeve, and your bleary-eyed writer. Afterwards, “Nunc est bibendum.” [Now is the time for drinking!] Then off to Auckland for the beginning of The Bilders tour!
Bill Direen
Dunedin's a dump over-run with undead and ghouls.
What about Richard Taylor? He's posting some real crazy things, he's at http://richardinfinitex.blogspot.com/
I am about to shift to Dunedin and this post has cheered me up no end. Thx :-)
You'll have a great time!
Maps - are there any other cafes etc you recommend in Dunedin?
Next week I'm spending a few days there...
anonymous - thanks for the plug - My Blog I feel is worth a look - it is kind of a hobby of mine...
But it's not certain, but unlikely, I will be doing any live readings for some time if at all.
The "scene" in Dunedin looks great - I was there once (I wasn't "into poetry at the time though) and it was bloody cold place. I met a Canadian in Dunedin at a back packers in the 70s who was touring and he said he felt colder in NZ than in Canada - and even in Auckland as the temperatures vary so much people are usually not properly dressed for the cold - result - many many Aucklanders or JAFFAS and other Kiwis get colds - I dress warmly and haven't had one cold this winter in fact nothing all year.
I am reading novels etc by Robin Hyde (not Rodney Hyde!)...
...and I just finished "Nightwood" by Djuna Barnes - she has the denseness and incredible brilliance of language only I think of say Patrick White...
Hyde's "Wednesday's Children" I really got into on the second attempt. Her case seems rather tragic - interestingly she supported the Chinese revolution etc or at least she took a strong interest in China and other politics and history (she met Rewi Alley) and was a very acute journalist... she committed suicide tragically at a young age of about 33 or so...
"He's posting some real crazy things, he's at http://richardinfinitex.blogspot.com/"
I hope to think there is a "controlled craziness" going on"...!!
Hi Olivia,
Bill took me to the Crown Tavern, a slightly run-down place on the Mornington edge of the CBD (if Dunedin has a CBD!)which Bill Manhire's Dad owned, and demanded to see an old flagon bottle that had Manhire snr's name on it. The guy behind the bar, who had been busy telling racist jokes about the mayor of Dunedin, a Chinese NZer who apparently owns the Crown, agreed with great reluctance.
The Crown has other literary connections: Maurice Duggan blew most of his Burns fellowship money there back in the early '60s - in fact, he was so popular that the other denizens of the bar threw a big party in his honour before he flew back to Auckland.
Nextdoor to the Crown is the Dragon Cafe, a cheap and filling Chinese joint which Peter Olds honours in the title of one of his recent chapbooks (see http://readingthemaps.blogspot.com/2008/08/window-shopping.html).
Some tourists visit the Captain Cook, which is located near the university, because of its connections to the early Flying Nun scene, but the place has changed a great deal - it's full of pokies now, is far too well-lit, and has awful flourescent carpet. The beer's reasonably cheap, though.
There's a neat little cafe in the Mornington shops where I interviewed Peter Olds for hours - it's an old school push tray, you can get mousetraps, a 1950s South Island delicacy, and the woman behind the counter has an old-fashioned matronly air. Brisk, but kind. Ah, Dunedin!
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Dunedin is the home pf Brian Turner, the rgeatest NZ poet, so why don't any of the awfully clever poetasters at this blog mention THAT?
Thanks for the cafe recommendation; I won't have time to do tourist stuff but a good mousetrap sounds like just the thing.
I'll also heed Richard's warning and bring my thermals.
be better
known if
he knew
where to break a
Hey Maps,
When are The Bilders playing Auckland?
Jeanne Bernhardt poems is a good one to read especially the part about drug addiction. She is telling that drugs won't certainly do no good to society.
News Flash: The world's poets are still landing on the island of Manhattan in New York City, despite the criminal rents and local posturing. Try it one day...you can claim houseguest status with me while you peddle your wares.
Thanks for the invite mate, but in return let me ask you to join my mates in Nuku'alofa, which has become the New New York since the sad passing of Lou Reed...
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