Wednesday, October 15, 2008

brief turns thirty-six

In between behaving in a dubious manner at poetry readings, Brett Cross and his guest co-editor Bill Direen, who was sensible enough to stay out of this picture, have pulled together a good thirty-sixth issue of brief around the theme of 'New Zealand music'. Not only do you buyers get well over a hundred pages of poems, stories, rants, and reviews - there's also a CD full of loose bluesy jams, experimental 'sound pieces' and semi-coherent poetry readings thrown into the bargain.

Harvey Molloy is enthusiastic.


Blogger Harvey Molloy said...

Yes, I am! And I've been playing the CD in the car and it's growing on me. It's actually bloody brilliant driving soundtrack music. I think that's there's a cinematic quality to the CD (but then again I'm driving and listening and the world becomes a film when you're in a car, speeding past at so many km per second). But I think you should listen to the CD at least twice all the way through: it's not pop, not immediately accessible--shove it in the car CD player.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

I like the music etc all of it - Will Christie's song struck me and much else. I listen to it at night quite a lot - I wrote a poem inspired by one of the music 'compositions' - but it's all good stuff and a great way to enhance a "lit. mag."

11:49 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

"Maps" and others - I have another entry or "post" - pretty crazy - on my Blog - I interview my many fragmented self-selves on there...

Here -

11:52 PM  

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