The virus mutates

Sir Peter Buck holds the stocky, dark-skinned man firmly and eyes him suspiciously. 'It is as though Buck believes that the man is a rare piece of wildlife, who might take flight at any moment', wrote Michael King, in a comment on the famous Ngati Mutunga anthropologist's demeanour in the this strange photograph, which was taken in Dargaville in the early 1920s, and published shortly afterwards in HD Skinner's groundbreaking The Morioris of the Chatham Islands.
Buck probably deserves the faint look of triumph that can be detected in his face: by the time he located the man we now know as Matene Totara Te Retimana in the upper Kaipara, he had spent years investigating rumours that a full-blooded Moriori had settled in Northland after being taken to the region as a slave in the nineteenth century.
Buck was a scholar of great probity, who undertook his research in a humble rather than inquisitorial manner. In his poem about the man, Kendrick Smithyman reflects on this humility:
Buck had questions. Wherever he went
he mightn’t ask outright - he knew how to behave -
of this one and that one, or of this one and that knew
alright to say directly "Tell me . . . Show me".
Said "Show me how they tie a knot and I’ll tell you
something worth knowing about these people."
There is nevertheless something disturbing about this photograph. For all his gentle professionalism, Buck was a member of one of the two Taranaki iwi which shattered the Moriori world by invading the Chatham Islands in 1835. His ancestors had eaten many Moriori, and enslaved others. Buck was barely removed from the era of Ngati Mutunga hegemony on the Chathams: he was born in a small and improvised settlement near Urenui, in the north Taranaki heartland of his people, set up by hapu which had hurriedly abandoned the islands because they were worried that their own traditional lands might be threatened by a new invader - the Pakeha.
Buck grew up with stories of the ruthless prowess of Ngati Mutunga taua, and even some of his most distinguished contemporaries imbibed their parents' contempt for the indigenous people of the Chathams. Maui Pomare, who was the first Maori to gain a medical degree and eventually became Minister of Health, harboured a lifelong disdain for Moriori, whom he considered 'slaves' and 'the offspring of slaves'.
By the time Michael King discovered the photo of Buck's Moriori, the man had once again become a mystery. In the notes to his magisterial 1989 book Moriori: A People Rediscovered, King laments that extensive research in the Dargaville area had failed to turn up any information about him, or any descendants he might have had. It was matter of conjecture, King concluded, whether the man in the photo was even named Te Retimana.
In desperation, perhaps, the historian fell back upon a anecdote from his friend Kendrick Smithyman. King's book quoted 'The Last Moriori', a poem Smithyman had written in the late 1970s, more than fifty years after his father had pointed out Retimana as the unfortunate man wandered down a Dargaville street:
Reputedly last of his kind,
quite surely one of the last
not crossbred but (as They said) pure
as pure goes, a Chatham Island Moriori
taken for a slave when a boy, taken
again in some other raiding, passed
from band to band, from place to place
until he washed up on the River.
This was the story, anyway, which is
as may be. He was
very old, he did not belong,
some chunk of totara which lay too long
in acid swamp.
He was kumara left on the pit’s floor,
sweetness dried, its hull drawn small.
He was what you found in caves but did not
mention, travesty gone
beyond human. A tatty topcoat, bowler hat,
blanket which seemed to look your way
without seeing you from the stoop of a hut
at the Pa. A few weak hungers,
he survived. He endured,
already myth, beyond legends of his kind,
a poor fact.
As I noted last year, in my review of Rhys Richards' fine book about Moriori dendroglyphs, Smithyman's poem deserves to be placed alongside TS Eliot's 'Gerontion' as an eloquent expression of ethnic prejudice. Smithyman's view of Te Retimana almost certainly owes more to Pakeha and Maori stereotypes about an inferior, immoral, doomed people than to any insight into the man himself.

Late last year a three-day hui was held in Ruawai, a small town south of Dargaville, where descendants of Te Retimana were joined by Solomon and other Moriori. The event at Ruawai was ignored by the national media, but reported in the Dargaville News, in the Northern Advocate, and on some Maori news sites. This scant coverage was enough to bring another man who claims to be Moriori out of the woodwork and on to the internet.
Unlike Steve Te Retimana, John Wanoa has no connections to the indigenous people of the Chatham Islands. His surname does not figure on the carved pole at Kopinga marae, and he has made no effort to contact Moriori historians. Despite his lack of credentials, Wanoa has spent much of the last few months spamming a bewildering range of websites, forums, and e mail lists with the claim that he is not only Moriori, but a spokesman for a 'nation of Moriori'. Wanoa hails from the northern Kaipara, and he is indignant that the hui at Ruawai did not include him.
Wanoa's wild claims derive not from any knowledge of Moriori history, but from a reading of the voluminous pseudo-histories of this country written by Pakeha cranks like Noel Hilliam, Barry Brailsford, Kerry Bolton, and Martin Doutre. Wanoa is Maori, but the fact that many of the creators of these pseudo-histories are motivated by an anti-Maori political agenda does not appear to faze him. In foam-flecked statements like this one, which was posted on several websites and at least one email list, Wanoa recycles some of the most outlandish claims of the pseudo-historians:
TAKE NOTICE THAT YOU ARE ACUSED THE NAMED PERSONS SEVERALLY MUST REBUTT ALL OUR MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAU CLAIMS HISTORIC LAND CLAIMS before 4pm on the 30th September 2008 or earlier as our MARAE COUNCIL so determines TAKE NOTICE THAT the 20 SOVEREIGN STATE GOVERNMENTS who signed AGREEMENTS with each other including ERU MANUKAU Minister of Security Intelligence MAORI CROWN SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENT Representative under the PARAMOUNT by right of Inheritance MOHI WIREMU TE MAATI MANUKAU the 4th Members of the Order of the ST JOHNS and Her Majesty the Queen most Honorable Member...
Wanoa claims to be a descendant of a group of pre-Maori Moriori who lived at Puponga, which is the peninsula on the Manukau Harbour often nowadays known as Cornwallis. He claims to speak for these people, and for Moriori who lived on the Auckland isthmus, on the Kaipara, and in the Waikato. Wanoa claims that the Moriori of the North Island were conquered by Maori and then Pakeha, and that traces of their existence have been systematically hidden by a conspiracy embracing both groups. Now, though, under the leadership of a shadowy exile from New Zealand named Eru Manukau, the 'Moriori' are about to make a comeback, and execute a series of complicated legal manoeuvres which will somehow lead to their taking control of these islands.
It is easy to dismiss Wanoa as a crank. But his views are perhaps significant, because they represent the assimilation and adaption by a Maori of the anti-Maori propaganda which the likes of Kerry Bolton and Martin Doutre pump out. The virus has mutated. Wanoa is ashamed to be a Maori, and has identified himself with a fictional pre-Maori people. Wanoa gives this people the name Moriori, perhaps in deference to the long-standing myth that the Moriori were pre-Maori inhabitants of the North and South Islands, but he allows them many of the qualities of the ancient Celts which Bolton and Doutre believe resided here. Wanoa's mainland Moriori were a technically advanced people, not hunter gatherers, and they maintained extensive contacts with other parts of the world, including the mythical ancient civilisations in South America that so fascinate Pakeha pseudo-historians. Wanoa's claims about a conspiracy of silence and his reference to a mill grinding up the bones of his ancestors are clearly sourced from the Celtic New Zealand circle.
The only authentic part of Moriori culture which Wanoa invokes in his statements is the pacifism which made the Chathams so easy for Maori to conquer in 1835. Wanoa's mainland Moriori were peace-loving folk, who apparently refused to use their advanced technology to defend themselves against savage Maori invaders.
How can we understand Wanoa's conversion to and indefatigable advocacy of a profoundly racist mythology? I find it hard to believe that Wanoa has been moved only by the eloquence of Martin Doutre's prose, or the logic of Kerry Bolton's arguments. I think that his decision to repudiate his Maoriness is also related to a far more subtle and widespread tendency in contemporary discourses about New Zealand history.
The old myth of the Moriori as an autocthonous people driven from the North and South Islands by savage Maori invaders has been in decline for two decades, as the 'Moriori renaissance' symbolised by the opening of Kopinga marae helps to clarify the origins and the history of the indigenous people of the Chathams. But the longevity of the myth is nonetheless remarkable, given the lack of the scholarly suport it has commanded, and this longevity has to be related to the political usefulness of the idea that Maori were, like Pakeha, a people who had displaced another to take control of the North and South Islands. 'We only did to them what they did to the Morioris' is the sort of statement that can still be encountered occasionally on talkback radio shows and in the letters columns of newspapers.
Although the myth of the Moriori as a pre-Maori people has become harder and harder to advance, many Pakeha still feel a need to legitimise the conquest of Maori in the nineteenth century by finding a moral equivalent for this conquest in Maori history. For many of the more intelligent apologists for colonialism, the Maori invasion of the Chathams in 1835 has become a sort of justification for the Pakeha treatment of Maori later in the century. In her fine study of the history of the Moriori myth, Canterbury University's Jacinta Blank identified the danger of making a simplistic interpretation of the events of 1835 into a new version of that myth.
Blank's research helps us to see how the undeniable brutality of the 1835 invasion and the contrast between 'warlike' Maori society and peaceful Moriori society are now sometimes held up as reasons why Pakeha were justified in imposing their laws and government on Maori at the point of a gun in the New Zealand Wars. The actions of two small Taranaki iwi in a very specific historical situation - a situation largely created by the coming of the Pakeha, with his guns and his insatiable need for food and building materials - are used to condemn all of Maori. The diversity of Maori societies is ignored, and Moriori pacifism and egalitarianism are idealised, rather than treated as the pragmatic choices of a people forced to inhabit two small, isolated islands with limited resources. Moriori, who were once condemned as a degenerate race, are now patronised as utopian innocents, and Maori are cast in their familiar role as savage opportunists.
Perhaps the self-deluded, self-hating John Wanoa is the victim of a new chapter in the history of the Moriori myth, as well as the fantasies of the Celtic New Zealand circle.
The virus mutates
Postmodernist metaphor, miss one turn.
This is nonsense about Eliot's one mention - "The Jew squats on the estaminet." It fits the poem. I don't see Smithyman as being particularly (or strongly) ethnically incorrect either....he is repeating what he knew - embellishing it in what you know is a great poem (flawed perhaps in what it tells or the way it does but not much is not....
We know Eliot was (somewhat) anti-Semitic - but he joins millions of Europeans in the 19th Century (and indeed still today) -
- worry about Gerontian*'s one line about the or a Jew Squatting - which I like as a line - and you miss a very great poem.
Pound is more rabidly anti-Semitic - one of Wallace Stevens best poem's called something like "Reflections in a Nigger Graveyard" it to is a great poem. Sure the title is not good and I don't advocate people use the N word these days as it is hurtful and offensive...but...It was the way (many) people viewed the world in those days. Stevens wasn't particularly bigoted I don't think... it doesn't matter - he was great poet.
What we can do is to understand these things and make sure we refuse to make arrogant or offensive statements - but let's not get too po-faced and PC about every thing for crying out loud and, hang it all RB, for the sake of the bollocks of Theophrastus! Or the non-essential - or deconstructed bollocks of Derrida or Baudrillard, ...
Come on Maps! Pick on the Gollywogs in Enid Blyton (but the books with them in sell for the best money BTW - to collectors - it is called nostalgia - and collecting - but of course no one would want such books (written in that way) now days (except if they are collectors)...we are (some of us we think!) more enlightened))
*The poem's title means "Little old Man" - it is based on a poem by - forget the writer - but the original poem is not very good...neither Eliot's poem or the original are about Jews as far as I can recall.
Who cares?
This is ancient history.
Why don't you blog about something relevant?
You're lost in an escapist past Maps.
This isn't ancient history - this is vitally important. I myself have encountered this conceptual direction amongst Maori - in fact an old school friend of mine advocated similar ideas when I met him (fairly recently) after a break of some 25 years or so - he is Maori, has done well financially in and in life, is intelligent - and is interested in alternative myths of pre History in NZ. I didn't argue strongly with him on this as I hadn't seen him for years (I did point out the myth that there was such a thing as an "Ayran race" - this is a historical distortion - there is and never has been such a "race") - but I could see where he was leading and my own thought was that - deep down - he may have been ashamed to be Maori - so pervasive (and so often very corrupt) is the Eurocentric culture we have imposed that even some Maori - while protesting it - are deep down so imbued with it - they feel that anything else is really inferior or if equal to - has to be Celtic or something similar - but there is no connection between the Celtic culture (which was spread over a huge area from the Middle East to Ireland etc but is was very diverse) and Maori.
Despite my Eliot objection (not really much to Map's main points here) this is excellent stuff again Maps. I feel this needs wider dissemination - it needs a book - issues to be researched are the problem of self-hate and the racist distortions of history - involving, amongst many other racist or fantasy groups, and that of the Nazis (here and in Germany).
My friend was also saying that more or less - the Nazis or the Japanese weren't as 'bad' as (the Allies etc during WWll) it was 'only' a struggle of Imperialism - well it was - but not 'only' - and there is vast difference - he was interested in Celtic stuff - pointing out the similarity to Maori carving and also that there were a fairy people here with red hair previous to Maori, that there were pyramids and so on...and other myths or what he he thought was history - I suggested that a lot of that was mythology - and tracing genealogies back to pre-Christ also is dubious...
This is not to say that all such people with alternative theories are 'bad' - but there are dangers if certain glaringly false ideas are presented. History is then distorted which will aid racists.
This is NOT ancient history - it is NOW. But if people don't care about history, ancient or otherwise they are doomed to relive it
By the way - that is a beautiful building - that Marae of the Moriori
When Kopinga was opened, I had an invite to attend. Aue! that circumstances prevented...
I went to high school with a person who was a direct line descendant of Tommy Solomon ( and I've written a short story about this - and other strange Kai Tahu links to Rekohu ("A Storehouse For The Hungry Ghosts".)
Maps, this is both a sad -John Wanoa doesnt* read *as tho' he is quite- balanced- and obviously, anyone infected with the dire stupidity of the racist Celtic NZ group is to be pitied-
and wonderful post: many thanks for the headsup on that thesis - been looking for it for quite a while.
To the wee anonymous cretin who posted "Who cares? This is ancient history" etc. - the past informs all we do, say, and forward to the future. Grow up.
Great work maps, very well writen. It is increasingly important to raise public conciousness to the dangers of such pseudo-history in this country, as it represents a step backwards not only in the public understanding of scientific and historical scholarship, but also reinforces the surges in racism which have been lapping at the coast of reason so recently. Again, thank you for your efforts in this regard.
but what is the intellectual basis for your scorn for wanoa maps. if people can just create their own theories like you and your postmodernist mates say, what is to stop wano doing the same? is it just that he is maori and doesn't use all the right spelling and grammar? isn't that a prejudice of yours? why can't people invent their own identities and histories? who are you to be the history policeman. ha ha what a joke.
still want to fight him?
Arguing is not fighting.
John Wanoa should respond in an intellectual way to criticism.
This is crazy - someone disagrees with someone (who is clearly pretty cookkoo) and an (anonymous!) response - immensely intelligent and brave - is a vicarious challenge to a fight!!
If you don't know many long words 'anon' - get a dictionary and read more books...
Good to see Keri Hulme here - when I was doing NZ English (about 1990) I didn't finish her book it was the longest one we had but I found it the most interesting - really strange, powerful, memorable, poetic, dark, surreal almost - in good a sense - I have to go back to it...
There you are anon - there's a Maori woman who uses long words and she even got the very prestigious the Booker Prize! Keri Hulme - ask her if Maps is using too many long words....
Don't you think Maori can understand long words or study complex ideas etc?
I got my copy out and my (now late) mother - who used to read a few novels every few weeks or so and type up the ones she had read - had taken the trouble to sign that book and cover it - so SHE was certainly impressed by it...
I just looked through her notes and lists of books, nicely typed on typewriter - it was kind of hobby of hers to keep record of the books she had read and some comments - and she'd read more books than Jack Ross! Certainly writers I've never heard of and many I have but haven't read... of some writers she had read about 15 of their books!
But by:
HULME, Keri 'The Bone People" she had - Gd.
Good. Most books either get a n.g or just a / (meaning - I suppose - they were o.k but maybe not so memorable...)
So one English born woman liked a book full of long and short words by a Maori-(European -Pakeha) woman.
I was slightly misleading - for the record - it should be:
"Most books got a /
some a 'Gd' and some an 'n.g'
A few got an '(ex)' "
The joys of reading.
I think "Langauge it's a virus" came via Burroughs to Patti Smith in her poem/song...
But we need to go light on the post modernism here - this is is the real deal - the mythologies and historical and racialism really DID and ARE happening Giovanni...
PstMdnsm helps us to extend our vision and a dash of Positivism focuses us and smattering of Hegel or Marx cuts into the meat of it (garnished with a hint of some occasional oscillating Taylorian nihilism if it's near the end of the week...); scintiled with some existentialism of Camus or Sartre or even the (heavier) Heidgger's or Husserl's Phenomenology (I just like suing that word!) all being washed down with some Russellian or Godelian or ... pick your poison! ..or long word of your favour ... or ... (philosopher, ism, art, music circus act, craft, psychology "science", whatever ...)...
All this to help us combat bigotry stupidity, cruelty, self-hate, ignorance, racism and the twisted imaginings of the Goebellian Doutre's of this world.
Hi Keri,
I'm pleased you're enjoying the Masters thesis: it really is a remarkably thorough and readable piece of work. The stuff on HD Skinner is fascinating. Imagine what she'll do if she writes a PhD! There's another thesis on a similar subject which was written at Otago Uni a few years back, but unfortunately we can only get the abstract online:
I disagree with you about 'Gerontion' Richard: there's not just one line of explicit anti-semitism, and the Jewish landlord is made to symbolise the whole world which the narrator condemns. We'll have to discuss this properly sometimes. I don't dispute, of course, that Eliot was a great poet: I love the Four Quartets.
Can we dock him one racism point for being friends with Groucho?
Maps - re Gerontion - I had another look at that poem and I see what you are saying but I feel Eliot was using the - or his experience - through literature etc and indeed the prejudice that was as common at the time* - to use or indeed issue the Jew in the house who owns it as a symbol of "spiritual decay" - I don't really follow Eliot's religious complexities or tortures - BUT the Four Quartets are indeed great, beautiful and profound - like Bach or Beethoven or Scriaben's music (actually I have an inkling from an indirect source he was listening to Bartok's music around hat time) - but Gerontian - despite the "Jew sits in the window sill...spawned in some estaminet in Antwerp..." etc is part of the "feel" of the whole work [and lines such as "multiply variety a wilderness of mirrors"!!] and Eliot in a way is being authentic to his himself. But don't neglect Gerontian or The Waste Land
But if read without considering this "blemish" (I mean one would have to be very objective to forget The Fascist Cantos" of Pound (Hamish's 'hero' - and rightly as as a writer he is great) (translated by Jack Ross from the Italian - I have his copy - it makes for more disturbing reading than Gerontian or The Last Moriori))
Re-reading the Last Moriori - it does reflect the times and prejudices also - but - there is that enigmatic and almost quite frightening line: "I am speaking to you." .... remember you pointed that out to me? and we could never work out who "you" was?... was / is it the reader? The Moriori? Is Smithyman provoking us to think? - it is less clear...
*And he wrote some terrible (often very racist) stuff as a teenager but don't we all? - his stuff written then refelects maybe his Eurocentricity and of course the experience ot the South of the USA where he spent his boyhood and which informs The Four Quartets - the river in that is the Mississippi - but the sea where he used to sail his boat is on the East Coast (coincidentaly enar where Olson's Maximus is set - Gloucestor)
I think that 'Gerontion' and 'The Last Moriori' are disturbing because they remain powerful poems even when we recognise that they derive many of their effects from appeals to prejudice. If they were weak poems then they wouldn't worry us in the way that they do.
The second person ending of 'The Last Moriori' certainly is unnerving, despite the cliche Smithyman drops in there. He uses a similar trick at the end of 'Stories about Wooden Keyboards', which I think is one of his best poems.
It's a little easier to guess who the person being addressed at the end of that poem is, if you consider the autobiographical context.
So - Mr. Wanoa's paranoid delusions are not the symptoms of a mental illness on an individual, but rather they are produced in him (as a Maori) as the effects of a particular discourse [pakeha pseudo-history]?
This theory of yours sounds incredibly Foucaldian to me. Just sayin.
Shhhhht, Olivia! X nay on the Maps is unbeknownst to him a post-structuralist thinker-ay.
so what are these sinister unseen forces that are brainwashing everyone into believing the new moriori myth? sounds like the usual paranoia of these blogs. you people need to be more realistic. noone cares about this ancient history.
PH 09 5246827
MOB 0272813963
10th March 2009
Now I am here to tell you that you to take your NZ assumed Crown Entity Fabricated MORIORI HISTORY to QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 and the POPE the 2 most powerful people in the world with the most wealth and see if they will accept it with the MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAU HISTORY which they have accepted and Acknowledged NOW to cut the crap LETS SEE HOW GOOD YOU ARE AND LETS SEE YOU ALL GO THERE AND TAKE YOUR STUPID CLAIM
Because so far we are squeezing your Government without you ever suspecting it and I shall make sure that your articles about me are solidified into HISTORY so as for you and your mokopuna tamariki kids LEARN from all of you peoples MISTAKES and INJUSTICES that only GOD can IDENTIFY and SMASH TO BITS which he is doing right in front of you STUPID FRAGMENTED ASS HOES NOW
Just for the Records of coming generations Maori Suppression by the white man and the great exodus of white man out of the Pacific and so GOOD RIDDANCE to all the corruption bought here with your GUNS Now its our turn with a sharp Pencil and the words we use against your polluted words our MASTER PLAN
John Wanoa Author for Mohi Manukau history over 4 years research on the Manukau Parapara Kiwara History Now I like to tell you that you need to all look into the mirror and your surname of who you really are and where you really come from and you will find that you have a real old Moriori name as old as Manukau or Parapara or you probably made it up from a sprinkling of European names made into a Maori pronunciation to hide yor true identity examples are Tamihana = Thompson and if its any substance that Thompson is crooked as Mary Thompson yhe Fraudulent Immigration woman then you get Hugh Kawharu who was a Paul and Tamihana Letterman Paora = Paul and so when I look at the fabrication of history of Auckland over MANUKAU the oldest name out with history to match against any of this trash Whakapapa that these Authors conjure up then I like to see you stand in front of a real Marae with a real Affidavit up against the Manukau Affidavit I did not say that I am a Moriori but that I am allowed to write the History up of Mohi Manukau who is a Historian in his own right ahead of all you useless pricks of Authors You all need to go to Germany to find the truth of who was here long before you authors who have fabricated all your corrupted history to try to steal the land from the original Natives and so you can see all you white people came from Europe down here and try to fuse your white blood into ours Well it wont work You still have the bastardizes British sounding names hidden in Maori Whakapapa and Moriori and its easy to strain out the mongrels from the originals Just get hem on a Marae with the bloodline names and your stuffed That goes for those who Mohi Manukau told me to write about that are in the wrong place and only God will chuck them mongrels out with the corrupted Government and all the mongrel white bastards who have devastated the Pacific Island people about to take it all back believe me the white race will go back home where they came from suppressors of an indigenous peoples race The recession shows that the white system is collapsing around their necks and the noose gets tighter Now I know you are reacting to me and my writings which shows that there is a whole lot of truth in it what Mohi Manukau wanted the History corrected Now as for the other crooked fraudster with Graeme Latimer his uncle TOKO RETIMANA supposed to pick me up in Auckland and take me to Naumai Marae for the Moriori Hui He failed to show up here and I waited Now search your own souls why didn't he pick me up as he said He is the bastard that tried to make Mohi and I go to Ngati Whatua O Orakei Marae to have the Unveiling of KAWHARU THE GIANT on ONE TREE HILL and he said he would provide me with $250,000 for the HUI Well I minuted all those Meetings just to show you how Hugh Kawharu sold all of Mohi Manukau Lands in Kaipara That’s why Mohi was not happy with the CROOKS Graeme Latimer HUGH KAWHARU TOKO RETIMANA NAIDA GLAVISH and a whole lot of other crooks screwed the whakapapa to their own benefit is starting to affect them now Don’t worry Mohi told me It will get them anyone that looks at the carving wil be affected and so don’t be too cocky you lot because the MANUKAU TRIBESMEN is a real HISTORY that is sill there older than you useless lot of ALIENS especially the UNMAORI NAMES and the BULLSHI MAORI NAMES I research to find out who is the real MONGRELS and it always ends up with a BLOODY PAKEHA AME converted to a MAORI NAME and then BACK to a PAKEHA NAME and dont you worry its not my story you are frightened about ITS the MANUKAU STORY that will knock you out in the end all the BULLSHIT HISTORIANS that have covered up the REAL MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAUHISTORY and the white mans IGNORANCE to my Affidavits that Eru Manukau has got with top brass lawyers will knock the living daylights out of you WONT STOP US BULDING NEW MANUKAU MARAE RIGHT SMACK ON WHERE THEY WERE ORIGINALLY 36 IN THE AUCKLAND REGION ALONE AND IN Chatham islands THE MARAE will be rebuilt right o the MANUKAU LAND the same way that TE HEKE TUARANGI and the MANUKAU MARAE at AWHITU and at MANUKAU up in HEREKINO and everywhere else now that we have the PUTEA MONEY to do it you just have absolutely NO SAY HOZAY telling you that now YOU AND YOUR CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT will collapse with you BANKRUPT We cant wait to show you up to the world your corrupted HISTORY They will either believe you or believe us SO FAR the VATICAN HOLDS THE MOST POWER IN THE WORLD is in OUR COURT so there stuff you up so greatly ITS TOO LATE to argue and waste my precious energy on you useless BOOK Writers ARE A fabricated history AND ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE IT you BETTER take this seriously why it's just me taking the whole lot of you BASTARDS on and here you are REACTING to ONE ME and a whole bunch of you MANA MUNCHERS of the USELESS NZ HUMBUG CROWN who is now STUFFED in the HEAD more so and not me ITS YOU LOT who have the problem of telling the wide world who the hell you are MUY WANOA NAME comes from Raiatea Island in Tahiti If you CAN'T READ for CORRUPTION I have stated that my MARAE is TAPUTAPUATEA MARAE in TAHITI the most SPIRITUAL ISLAND of WA Beginning of Time and NOA the LAW OF TIKANGA MAORI WHERE YOU stupid LOT OF useless bastards ARE LIVING HERE in New Zealand under my GOD GIVEN own WHAKAPAPA WANOA MARAE TIKANGA MAORI LAW FROM TAHITI the octopus head that this useless corrupted GOVERNMENT of New ZEEEELAND is BOUND TO My own ORIGINAL TAPUTAPUATEA MARAE LAW and so Its my GOD GIVEN RIGHT to DO ANYTHING I WANT WITH THIS LAW which is what I am unrestricted by NZ Government cant interfere with what I DO so NZ ASSUMED CROWN is subjected to MY TIKANGA LAW and so WHY HASN'T this GOVERNMENT stopped me from BASTARDISING them too WELL ITS BECAUSE THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO POWER TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT I PUBLISH AGAINST THE OR DEFACING THE QUEEN CROWN WITH A MORIORI IN HER PLACE THAT IS WORLD WIDE NEWS NOW and they are STOPPED FROM DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT get your own back in your face GOOD that you BLEED TO HELL and silence the critics and CROOKED MAORI HISTORY and you are the NEXT to fall into this BUCKET OF TRASH BUGGER ALL YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT because its controlled from Britain and Eru with his MANUKAU TITLE SAFE and BACKED UP against you VULNERABLE lot of DEBTORS You will get the DEBT as well Don’t worry I will ADD your name and any others who RUBBISH MANUKAU I notice that you are publishing me to Claim that I am a MORIORI Well that is your BIGGEST MISTAKE and I also notice that very little is said about MOHI MANUKAU Typical of their arrogance of you and other PAKEHA NAMES People who talk out of place One day all Marae will have the RIGHT MAORI ORIGINAL NAMES back in their rightful place Come down to my NGATI POROU area of EAST CAPE where I am from and you will get BLASTED OUT OF THE PALCE with these sorts of outrageous Statements about me MOHI MANUKAU asked me to give him a hand to write his HISTORY when he seen me talking on the MARAE at WAITANGI said to me I am wasting my time talking to NGA PUHI And so his History is the RIGHT HISTORY Now I DARE you to take your HISTORISE AND BULLSHIT STORIES TO QUEEN ELIZABETH and the POPE and he will THROW IT OUT IN THE TRASH Go on DO IT and see if they BELIEVE YOU I doubt it if they will let you in the gate with your MORIORI HISTORY CANT FOOL THEM They know what I write for Mohi Manukau and ERU his son is none of my business but theirs and because it is spiritual I not get paid for all the work I done for the MANUKAU HAPU Now would they come to Ngati Porou and help me do mine I doubt it Go to Ngati Whatua O Orakei and see who is running the Business A NGATI POROU and go to Auckland City Council see who is giving the Council the MANA from Ngati Whatua A NGATI POROU It appears the BRAINS COMES FROM NGATI POROU and if there is a REVOLT or Leadership in this Country Guarantee it will be the Most Organized NGATI POROU and where does the MAORI TIKANGA LAW COME FROM TAHITI to here NGATI POROOU and which piece of land did it go to WANOA EAST CAPE WAIAPU the same WAIAPU is found in TAHITI THE HEAD OF THE OCTUPUS and the BRAIN landed on my own WANOA BLOCK OF LAND SO there take that now go to my website and see their Photos NAMED PERSONS slandering them into a CLASS ACTION CASE that is Growing faster in the PACIFIC Countries Right now following this our RESOLVE Now even PITA SHARPLES has MORE POWER over JOHN KEY and do you know where he is getting that from Bet you wouldn't want to know And why wont the Government do something about me WELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION THEIR POWER and soon YOURS will be STRIPPED FROM you thieving lot of LAND THIEVING BASTARDS and MOHI MANUKAU said to me don’t worry John we haven’t lost an inch of soil And so that’s where we stand You can count on that EXPOSE YOU LOT right out in the open NAME BY NAME Thompson’s is RUBBISH and a few more NAMES I shall name and shame off the planet with our MAORI COUNCILS because ITS OUR TIME Yours is up I am afraid you’ll be all KICKED UP THE ASS uncovered exposed EVEN DAVIS SIMMONS IS CORRUPTED the History of Auckland and Bellamy herself another Author I have asked her and David and the other mongrel who I want on trial JOE WILLIIAMS The Biggest CROOK of all NOW SEE IF ANY OF YOU HAVE THE GUTTS TO SUE ME GO ON TRY you useless sods and the prick BARRY RIGBY of the Waitangi Tribunal and another CROOKED LAWYER BARRY HART all LAND THIEVES OF MANUKAU LAND working the Corrupted system to their own WHITE BASTARD families right through the years of constant Legislative ACTS to carve more MANUKAU LAND for themselves and the NGA PUHI the same TOOK THE MANUKAU LAND now I TELL YOU now that we have squeezed the living daylights out of the system the LAND REGISTER GENERAL has NOTIFIED all LAND LAWYERS that they must Produce a PHOTO IMAGE of the original Titles AND GUESS WHAT ….Bingo they CANT find this and so we are CHANGING THE TITLES BACK TO CUSTOMARY TITLE as a RESULT and there is BUGGER ALL YOU BRAIN DEAD LOT OF MORIORI WHAKAPAPA HISTORIC FABRICATORS CAN DO ABOUT IT STUFF ALL and one needs to look at a limping BRAIN DEAD GOVERNMENT on a SINKING SHIP we are waiting to SINK WITH YOU and your DIRTY MONEY in it and your HISTORY and when I get to all you authors PUBLISH MANUKAU HISTORY BESIDE YOURS then WE SHALL SEE WHO HAS THE LAST CRACK and WHO HAS all the TRASH with it This letter goes onto the AOTEAROA CAFE TE KARERE NEWS who let me PUBLISH the TRUTH as I write it here so NO ONE CAN HIDE THE TRUTH NO NO NO You see I was waiting for you to REACT then I got something to HANG ON YOU and all you MORIORI BULLSHIT MOHI MANUKAU ALWAYS SAID now Eru Manukau will finish the job off I am spear heading the biggest Tidal Energy project in the world just received a letter from the Scottish Government Now that is something you useless pricks cant do yourselves on top of everything else I di none of you be good enough but to suck on the NZ CROWN USELESS DEBT LADEN ALIENS including all the KUPAPA MAORI I NAMED LIKE PAREKURA HOROMIA SHANE JONES JOHN TAMIHERE WILLIE JACKSON GRANT HAWKE TIWANA TIBBLE WHIMPHEAD HIDE THE TRUTH PRICKS ASS ALLS go in the TRASH BIN till you cant move like the rest of them who been criticizing me to hell and back again Now lets see how long you can stick your face into the MANUKAU MORIORI HISTORY It now appears to have been accepted as NATIVE TITLE over NEW ZEALAND and CHATHAMS by the VATICAN the QUEEN and the EUROPEAN UNION and my name is IN THERE TOO so up you lot for CHALLENGING ME we have a CONTEST ON NOW ALL THE WAY TO THE CLASS ACTION CASE the more names I can muster up the more it looks BAD for you against ONE ME and just ONE STONE and no money but the man up above WHO NEEDS ASS HOLES to back me up when he and MOHI and a few thousand MANUKAU TUUNAS up there to clear out the HASH and its happening The GRAPHIC TRUTH will be published on my website which the world and the Pacific People will be the JUDGE of Not you HISTORIC HUMBUG SHIFTY EYED MONGRELS The real MAORI CHIEFS will RISE TO THE OCCASSION and take it all back WE HAVE THE ESTABLISHED TITLE LOCKED UP and you don’t get to see that NOTICE that the Government is Doing what its TOLD to LEAVE ME ALONE and BEHAVE THEMSELVES while we INVESTIGATE the TRUE IDENTITY OF THOSE WHO ARE DOING ALL THE TALKING will be the MOST SUED along with all THOSE WHO ARE PHOTOGRAPHED FOR TRIAL they CANT POSSIBLY WIN IN WORLD COURT CASE already in motion MAORI BANK is in motion watching your every move so you can keep belittling me and more stories will appear here and all over the world and you will have EGG ALL OVER YOUR FACE Believe me The worst thing you can publish is to have a crack at me the last person you want to mess with go ahead and make me write more to scathe the whole dam lot of you off the bloody planet
John Wanoa
Mechanic from the East Coast North Island New Zealand
Website read all about the Manukau Tribesmens grahic Historic Land Claim
e mail
Mechanic from the East Coast North Island New Zealand
Website read all about the Manukau Tribesmens grahic Historic Land Claim
e mail
NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LTD 426/2 Tapora Street Auckland Central 1010 Waterfront CBD AOTEA Dear MR VIRUS and MR MUTATES The day of reckoning is now arrived and as Ratana predicted the time is past middy we are on our way the big waka has set sail out with the old and in with the new an old economy is crashing a new one is emerging and as far as Maori is concerned they are now breaking free of colonialism and hogwash politics and mutates which is a funny word not found in the maori language so for those maori on the colonial side of the bloodlines good luck and those on the maori moriori bloodline side africa good luck and as for pakha who destroyed Te Karere Maori news where all my comments were seeen bad luck they took all this away from public view because its the truth that the crown and those who purport to support and bag any maori who tell it as it was now exposed and soon i shall drop the whole lot of them on my website they will find it very hard to face so for this moriori story of mohi manukau eat your heart out its out in the open now some faces name and shame are mostly pakeha and the corrupted history which was wiped off the website so for all those reading here you can soon go to my websites and see the truth of the story is in fact true the manukau story is true and note that we are now a sovereign state operating in the united nations and here in new zealand and there is nothing anyone can do to stop the waka now no more stories about bagging a maori because the situation has changed and watch what happens now to all those people who bagged me eat your words so who changed the history from its natural state can now be seen and dealt a severe blow that is starting to take effect on those baggers of history and sovereign which is TRUTH full stop.
John Wanoa
Land Energy Fisheries Minister of Maori Sovereign State Government in operation now Auckland Rome
CHEK IT's real for real State creditor operating Globally as it is written Sorry about the bragging but i couldn't help but tell you th TRUTH....Its our time. AFRICA...............think about it Which is the shortest way home!!! in case Warrior maori mowwee mauriori on the wall who is the smartest and sharpest of them all chek in a marae near you to see what is happening in your rohe sorry to burst your bubble they put me in this position not me things just got heavier so there is 20 backed in behind me now ministerial do all the workload tune up station you can go to see what is happening soon so join the fun trip and srep out People we now have a DUAL GOVERNMENT and guess who is SOVEREIGN It certainly not the MUTATES or the white man made FLU SWINES VIRUS and if it were a black man it probably be a poison dart spat from the mouth not a steel doctors needle and a prescription to get power over the people Mori Maori Indigenous Sovereign Native peoples are out of the blocks through a hole in the fence and off free from white suppression I CAN NOW PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE hallelujah ja ja We are in Business Tidal Mutated Shares 1 trillion gold/hydrogen currency shares released soon yepp NATIVE TITLE PEOPLE RESOURCES TRADE CONFEDERATION 1835 Declaration of Independence Maori Sovereign State Flag Watch this space
426/2 Tapora Street
Auckland Central 1010
Waterfront CBD AOTEA
23rd September 2009
The Maori Sovereign State Government is now open for Business to bring cases against the FRAUD NAMED PHOTOGRAPHED persons of the New Zealand Assumed Crown The Maori Native Sovereign COUNSEL now pulls the living legacy Named Perpetrators and their Ancestors who committed and continue to commit their ancestors mainly white historic crimes TRIED IN THE SOVEREIGN NATIVE EQUITY COURT KOOTI MARAE DECLARED Open for Business on the 20th September 2009 MARAE JUSTICE This allows the KOOTI to pluck one by one NAMED FRAUDSTERS hiding place behind the CROWN and BILL CHARGE them in front of the SOVEREIGN COUNSEL NZ Judges Ministers of the CROWN are not immune where Common Law and NZ Parliament Law is overpowered by our MAORI SOVEREIGN EQUITY LAW Courts of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (New Zealand) in countries throughout the PACIFIC TRIANGLE My Company NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LTD and Platinum Tidal Electric Bridge Construction Company BILL CHARGED the NZ Governments CROWN AGENTS and their CORPORATE FRAUD COMPANY called "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND" for all the STOLEN LANDS and the DESECRATION of Urupa Ancestral Grave SITES BONES especially ONE TREE HILL PAKEHA DUG UP THE MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAU BONES of ERU MANUKAU Ancestors CRUSHED IN ROBERT ROBERTSONS PAKEHA FLOUR MILL IN MT EDEN along with the rest of ERU MANUKAU'S MORIORI TUPUNA BONES... TAKE NOTICE THAT YOU ARE ACUSED THE NAMED PERSONS SEVERALLY DIDN’T REBUTT ALL OUR MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAU CLAIMS HISTORIC LAND CLAIMS before 4pm on the 30th September Our MARAE COUNCIL NOW determined with ERU MANUKAU Foreign Minister of MAORI CROWN SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENT now BILL CHARGED HELL EN CLARK to be extradited back here for TRIAL
John Wanoa
Maori Sovereign State Government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni
Minister of Lands Fisheries Energy Taonga ASSIGNEE
426/2 Tapora Street
Auckland Central 1010
Waterfront CBD AOTEA
24th September 2009
Watch that happens now...Pakeha who have treated Maori unfairly by RATING THEM OFF THEIR LANDS as MANUKAU HAPU was treated this way TAKING AWAY MAORI SEATS so we don’t have Management sharing our own MAORI LAND....and since I am the NATIVE LAND MINISTER Administrator of the Land Foreshore and Seabed Fisheries Minerals TAONGA MAORI LAND now Authorized to INVESTIIGATE every single TITLE to this Land and its HISTORY ....In fact the Highest Court Judge in New Zealand SIAN ALIAS Supreme Court exited this country FOR GOOD once she worked out what we are setting up to SNAP THEM She made a RUNNER for it MOST FRAUDULENT White persons of the NZ Crown like HELL-EN CLARK was Shifted out of here WE NAME ALL THE AUTHORS MEDIA AGENTS FRAUDSTERS in Public EXPOSING the HIDDEN TRUTH of Persons who WRITE UP ALL this CRAP HISTORY and SIAN ALIAS made CLAIMS called THE DISCOVERY OF NEW ZEALAND ACT Hullo!!!! Zealandier was here first ...Joke. can MUTATE someone will be extradited HOME after HELLEN BILL CHARGE THEM in the SOVEREIGN NATIVE Equity KOOTI the fairness Court protect the PUBLIC DOMAIN when the Government put the Foreshore and Seabed into the PUBLIC DOMAIN OWNERSHIP saying MAORI would sell it and then suddenly realized that the PUBLIC would have Control AND then reversed it back into CROWN OWNERSHIP so that they could Own it QUEEN ELIZABETH11 buggered off to the EUROPEAN UNION PARLIAMENT with GORDON BROWN and left New Zealand CROWN with MAORI the SOVEREIGNS 1835 Declaration of Independence CONFEDERATION FLAG Those AUTHORS who write stories that are not TRUE are not immune Now watch them run away... I have NO SYMPATHY for people who Desecrated Maori HISTORY and worst of all DUG UP THE URUPA GRAVES of our Maori Ancestors to make way for PAKEHA SETTLERS You cant do this in BRITAIN so in EQUITY LAW you cant do this in NA ATUA E WA AOTEA or Aotearoa Pacific Islands Nations which PAKEHA are now trying to STEAL THE FORESHORES AND SEABED LAND RESOURCES with this Instrument called “THE DISCOVERY OF NEW ZEALND ACT” SIAN ALIAS in EXILE These Stories get more GRUESOME as the TRUTH UNFOLDS in front of the world on my website you either believe it as FACT OR FICTION………Maori now owns the CREDITOR CROWN if you know how that works….
Now who is investigating who!!
Auckland Super City Council First on the blocks Corporate to CorporateState to State...which State are you talking about now..
John Wanoa
Maori Sovereign State Government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni
Minister of Lands Fisheries Energy Taonga ASSIGNEE LEGAL ADVOCATE
16th November 2009
By the end of this month the European Union will kick in to life as the New World Order after Queen Elizabeth11 buggered off and abandoned all you people if you didn't see that one coming its all over for the Humbug Crown and New Zealand Governments Corruption spilling out into the open and all the Histories tipped on its ugly head And as for BONES the Geologist Pakeha thieves carried on a legacy of normal practice of Digging up all the Moriori Bones at Auckland International Airport to make way for the new Runway and that is NO different from when they dug all the Moriori BONES up in the Kaipara and CRUSHED them in ROBERT ROBERTSON FLOUR MILL in Mt Eden and so 180 Skeletons were UNEARTHED by PAKEHA and SHOVED into a REEFER CONTAINER but not CRUSHED like the other PAKEHA did to Moghi manukau's TUPUNA ANCESTORS Crushed under his Nose GET THIS It was the White Pakeha Maori CHIEF of TAINUI TRIBE SAUL ROBERTS who gave PAKEHA GEOLOGISTS the CONSENT to dig up what he was told was a few BONES was in fact 80 in one Grave and another 80 plus in the other grave The PAKEHA didn't DISCLOSE this to anyone until 12 months later when they had flattenned the place out LIKE HONE HARAWIRA said they should be all lined up and SHOT You see Hone is right about his COMMENTS because PAKEHA did this ACT OF CRIME against MORIORI PUPONGA MANUKAU hapu WHICH WE ARE TAKING THROUGH THE MAORI EQUITY KOOTI Charge Bill SAUL ROBERTS and all those PAKEHA and Contractors and the NZ CROWN for this MASS DESECRATION on a MORIORI PEOPLE Now can you see the significance of this FRAUDULENT ACT against our TIKANGA MAORI LORE LAW This is PROOF that WHITE MAN did these CRIMINAL ACTS back in the early days plain to see and witness is TRUE for you to see The NZ Government had NO SOVEREIGNTY when it Openned its Parliament up after the QUEEN ELIZABETH signed her Crown and Sovereignty away to the European Union on the 19th June 2008 I Documented this all the way throuigh for a mass CMLASS ACTION CASE against HELEN CLARK MICHAEL CULLEN SYLVIA CARTWRIGHT and those GEOLOGISTS and CONTRACTORS will PAY the BILL DEBT for the DRESECTRATION and all the DESECRATION back to 1835 all the way through the years the MORIORI suffered the whole LAND will be BILLED for the DEBTS OWED
The NZ Government is panicking now and is rather unstable since Maori have Security over the Land of Aotearoa in Rome Europe NZ Government is scrambling for nothing short of a way out and have NO SOVEREIGNTY to save face When the Queen absconded like White man would do in the face of DEBT she joined the European Union as a Free Woman Miss Elizabeth leaving the TITLE with her MAORI CHIEF and MORIORI HUNTER MAN Thats it PAKEHA Unfortunately the LAND Defaults back to its owners by LAW Common Law and Equity Law Lore in our MAORI KOOTI End of Story The History is grahic MORIORI MAORI HERE and nothing else will do Its too Late for Pakeha to Challenge Natives Sovereign in any Court now There is NO other Protection from Britain after the end of this MONTH
John Wanoa
NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LIMITED 426/2 Tapora Street
Waterfront 1010
Auckland CBD
New Zealand
Ph 09 9400552 Mob 0272813963
NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LIMITED 426/2 Tapora Street
Waterfront 1010
Auckland CBD
New Zealand
The latest is on my website on MOAI Rapa'nui Island Tahiti, Rai'atea Island Tahiti and Aotea'roa New Zealand about the MOAI Bloodlines Whakapapa Ancestral Links that defines who was here is the first place MOAI is sitting in New York APEC Singapore London Brussels New Zealand So you does he belong to Find out Find out for yourself and end all the myths once and for all The Notice is gone to the United Nations European Union Parliament and the UNFCCC Climate Gate Treaty Conference The FRAUD is at its HEIGHT of complete collapse under its own weight Thank God its ending See how the New Zealand Government NO CROWN HEAD and its business MEDIA obliterated the AOTEAROA CAFE TE KARERE website and left a note to say its getting repairs Thats over 8 months now MUST be a big problem with the TRUTH they wiped out and they can't keep ignoring the TRUTH will bite their ass from now on Watch as the Maori make a hash of it Those who are KUPAPA and have NO BRAINS or know where they come from in the middle of the ocean or something close to infinity or if they are genuine then from God in Heaven Y Chromosomes What does that make others I Chromosomes You wonder why the ALIENS on 2 feet are tampering with our MAORI DNA That will bite their asses too The CROWN breached the Treaty how many times I say over 500 times How many times Maori Breached it ABOUT 3 times that I know So what is it meant to do SHAFT MAORI and who has most land NOT MAORI and who owns it MOAI
Merry Christmas to my NO AUDIENCE anymore Must be doing something right It was predicted and not me I assure you Its calm before the storm now
John Wanoa
Mechanic Auckland New Zealand
Ph 09 9400552 Mob 0272813963
NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LTD 426/2 Tapora Street Auckland Central CBD Waterfront 1010 27th December 2009 Dear Maps Here I am back again stronger as an OX someone said after all I am 8th August so if you got any heads to crack then I have no problems crushing them one by one. So you can now see WA meaning The beginning and the end of NOA...Time and space. According to all the crap Corruption and 1080 poisoning DOC animal and bird killers in this country caused by white DNA (I) Chromosome Blood line Pakeha this defines clearly without a doubt under a LITMUS TEST I conduct in front of your individual selves who is wreeking with the most ADHOC HAVOC laws in this land other than GODS LAW under Tikanga Maori LORE or MOAI'S LORE spiritual stuff . Now look at the stupid pakeha making fun of Jesus and Mary in Parnell Auckland Catholic Church. And when you go and have a look at my website you can read all about the (Y) DNA Chromosome INDIGENOUS people and the Historic significance betw3een the two races. AND then I can chek a piece of BLOOD to see if you are a PEDIGREE from the REAL MONGREL MOB of White Punu Pakeha (I) Chromosomes INVADERS starting from you the live white named surnames persons and a bit of your blood and BINGO you have the answer on the DNA Screen right in front of your eyes . I will show you where you come from when I get it all set up. NO MORE STUPID MYTHS anymore. Just a simple Blood Test and a REAL NAME attached to your person and it should READ... (Y) for YES your a NATIVE of the Land or (I) ...I don’t think so!!! AND if you are a PIRATE with a name like HELLEN CLARK then her blood should be a clear (I) DNA Blood Group. In other words a ROGUE CHROMOSOME ZOMBI and she has been EXPORTED already thank goodness others to follow her to where the HIVE of the CORRUPTION IS in the MONY TROUGH... And when you get a SHANE JONES DNA you get another PIRATE but this time its got an INFUSION BY RAPE into a MAORI Woman WHOSE HUSBAND PROBABLY GOT shot BY HIS ancestors FOR HER blood AND HIS blood suckin Mongrel ANCESTORS who did this to my WANOA Bloodlines too. The ROGAN English PIRATES RAPED my Grand Mother of our GENES then BUGGERED OFF and never want to know us right till this very day is DROP KICK PAKEHA FUCKIN my GRAND MOTHER so now they RULE MY LANDS at East Cape with the COSGROVES another SCOTTISH Mongrel who hasn't even had the decency to come and see my family. ANOTHER FUKING DROP KICK White man POKED his DIK in and then Fuked off and left his WHITE (I) SPERM in her LIKE CHARLIE GOLDSMITH married 6 times in 2 years in the Births and deaths that is now destroyed but I got the records to STRING THEM UP to a TREE and let HONE HARAWIRA SHOOT THE BASTARDS. To continue John Wanoa
Hone Harawira is RIGHT in what he said to the TV NEWS He meant it then said sorry but it STICKS LIKE MUD. Pakeha you have a bad history and so its spilling out all over the where in FRAUD CASES and the BANKS $2billion dollar fraud caught out don't want to go to court to pay full costs. And so on it goes right thru the country and this is no BULLSHIT Its true!!! Pakeha have left a long trail of destruction on our people just to settle on a foreign land last here first to go so to speak. Now because SHANE JONES has a mixture of his ROGUE (I) Chromosomes mixed up and FORCED into our (Y) Chromosomes this makes him only part way up the scale of DNA Strength because he is on the WHITE FATHERS COCK (I)SPERM Monarchy which is somewhere in Britain so its easy for me to show this up on the SPERM DNA METER and you can see the poor old helpless mama mia Mother(Y)SPERM DNA swimming in the breeze waiting for a (I) OX to come and BEAT THE SHIT'N Day lites OUT OF the WHITE MAN JONES and COSGROVE and ROGAN COCKUP RAPIST(I)DNA TAINTED Blood Stains and until they come and say sorry and FIX up their FUCKUP then the HURT keeps on keeping on for another 166 years like they just DID here to SCATTER all our NATIVE PACIFIC PEOPLE. Look who is doing all the FRAUD. MOST of who are PAKEHA and look who they put in jail MOSTLY MAORI and so what of the MORIORI. Well their story is yet extended to RA'PANUI Easter Island and our HISTORIC MO'AI GOD STATUES. This separates the Myths from the REAL TRUTH so you go and read where in the world the MOAI is sitting in the POWERFUL COUNTRIES in particular BRUSSELS EU PARLIAMENT, LONDON, FRANCE, SINGAPORE, JAPAN, USA, NEW ZEALAND, GERMANY, RUSSIA, CHILE, and MOAI is hidden in other countries TOO. WHY!!! Because they STOLE THE MANA from us the WA NOA People of the Pacific. Now you see you don't have to look any further So that means all the Historians Waitangi Tribunal Crown and New Zealand Government and BRITISH CROWN and CITY OF LONDON BANKS and QUEEN ELIZABETH11 are CAUGHT IN FRAUD ACTS OF PARLIAMENT RIGHT HERE before they BUGGER OFF like the proverbial bastards of Whiteman do and the EU PARLIAMENT dissolves their BRITISH PARLIAMENT with their FRAUD. NO They won't get away with it, not this time I been tracking them and NO ONE SAW THIS ONE COMING because they are too wrapped up in MAORI and MORIORI . The problem has always been in BRITAIN where the WHITE NGANGARA (I) SPERMS CAME FROM. MOAI Unfortunately I couldn't explain it any other way. NOW Prove me wrong and go and do some more research on your articles and don't disturb OXES! They can KICKASS badass. You need to have lots of (Y) Chromosomes and a dab of (K) Chromosomes, KICKOUT...DNA Dumb nutters all of you....I am really a happy chappy no stress or anger just plain as reporting what is the Sovereign Truth as I see it from a MOAI point of view. He goes back 300AD and beyond and it was definitely carved by my ancestors back from RAPANUI (Easter Island) to WA'NOA HAPU. To continue John Wanoa
WHANAU Peoples of the Land in OPOA ROHE (District TapuTapuatea Marae WANOA WHENUA RA'IATEA ISLAND in TAHITI, no ifs or buts. The WANOA TRIBES HAPU are coming back to WAIAPU ROHE on their WANOA LAND at TE PITO O TE WHENUA (Te Pito) at the East Cape North Island New Zealand do the CLAIMS the same is found on RAPANUI ISLAND TE PITO O TE HENUA (Te Pito Henua.This matches the History to my people on this Land and Super Natural Tohunga (Priest Levitation) Nothing to do with Ngati Porou myths. This is the Real MOAI GOD up from the Heavens now talking it up. Its time to reveal all to the world on my website. You can draw your own conclusions from there I am sorry to say I have no qualms or arguments with anyone, Its a done deal to the United Nations and new European Union Parliament and their FRAUD LISBON TREATY and PAKARU (Broken Climate Change FRAUD TREATY. So to all you COM mentors have a happy new start to NEW YEAR and look to the future for some big changes. Watch this space and energy shares going out soon Thank you Maps I hope you understand what is going on in the SUPER POWERS outside of here. You are all sitting DUCKS as far as the Corporate THUGS and EU , UN is concerned and CHINA may help Maori retain their HISTORY and BONES URUPA like the PAKEHA DUG UP 180 plus MAORI MORIORI BONES and THREW THEM in a REEFER CONTAINER and then notified the BAD TAINUI SAUL ROBERTS a year later what they had done is the BIGGEST CRIME to date in today’s times the WHITE NGANGARA MAGGOTS BASTARDS GEOLOGISTS (I) NDA SPERMS NAMED CROWN AGENTS are still doing exactly the same as what their WHITE ANCESTORS did in 1840 DUG UP OUR TUPUNA (Ancestors in our own land to make way for roads and an Airport. CAN I NOW go to England and DIG 180 of their TUPUNA OUT and throw them into a 40 foot CONTAINER. This is what we are BILLING these Named Persons and their ROGUE CROWN before it disappears next year. I am warning you before they RUN AWAY without you witnessing what I say is TRUE INTENTIONS to BILL THEM NOW for this DESECRATION HELEN CLARK and MICHAEL CULLEN PAREKURA HOROMIA and SAUL ROBERTS and JOHN KEY No exceptions and I will KEEP NAMING them all for TRIAL. The PUBLIC of New Zealand has a RIGHT to know all this. And I stress its not me the enemy. Its the CROWN against the PUBLIC. Now you gonna PAY UP to the ROGUE Auckland Super City PERK BUSTER RODNEY HIDE before he splits his Tarau (Pants) and wet himself for fear of expulsion for his FRAUD ACT. It doesn’t always happen in America, Its happening right here in New Zealand and finally for your information MOAI STATUES are MALE BLOODLINES Ancestral Connections to us the BLOODLINES Descendants right through the Pacific Triangle Region of our CLAIM OF DISCOVERY Boundary areas ALLODIAL SOVEREIGN NATIVES TITLE 300AD and beyond to 5000AD Egypt equivalent!!! So you (I) Chromosomes GNOMES have NO REAL (I) DNA ancestral Connections to any piece of Land here as MOAI has been here from the HEAVENS all along why you MUST accept GODS MOAI TRUTH you been defying all these years. WHERE IS YOUR (I) DNA MOAI and why have you PAKEHA STOLEN our MOAI and IMPROSONED HIM IN your Bastard Countries for TOURISTS to came and GORK at and you make MONEY out of my MOAI?? Think about it before you start making your Claims without a strong CASE HISTORY and give back our MOAI…THIEVES. JOHNKEY JOHN New Zealand Government do the right thing and show the world how to BE AN (I) DNA FRAUDSTER and CHURCHES LAWYERS JUDGES and POLITICIANS are the BIGGEST FRAUDSTERS here in New Zealand getting exposed and made to PAY THE CLASS ACTION BILL against the CROWN DEBTORS AGENTS. Now where you gonna hide after Christmas and New Years day. John Wanoa MOAI Soldiers Wanabees
426/2 Tapora Street Post 1010
Auckland Waterfront CBD
New Zealand South Pacific
Tuesday 16rh February 2010
Dear Maps and Aliens Cultural Interferes Intellectuals
Why don't you pakeha leave our Ancestors bones alone and go and scratch around on your own soil in Britain where you all ran away from home!! Look at what you pakeha bastards did to all the MOAI ancestral Bones on Easter Island and ONLY 2009 at the Auckland Airport to make a new runway for flippin aircraft just only LAST YEAR NO DIFFERENT to the 1800's and 1700's when you did the same thing!! Dug up the Bones of our Ancestors?? You would be all CASTRATED if you did this in JAPAN. Now shall I go back to your homelands in ENGLAND and dig your fukin GRAVES up of CHURCHILL and SCALP the living daylites off GORDON BROWN for his fukin ancestors who MURDERED my WANOA people CARVERS of the MOAI STATUES you bastards could never claim is YOURS??? Yet one of my own GODAMMED MOAI is sitting in LONDON MUSEUM where they worship my GOD MOAI HULLO!! Pakeha THIEVES clearly shows here in 1856 when the ENGLISH first set foot on EASTER ISLAND Bold my MOAI GOD Over and STOLE Him put him on their PIRATE SHIP and SHIPPED HIM BACK to ENGLAND as PRIZE POSSESSION!! I am afraid for you THIEVES that GOD has some BAD NEWS for you coming now that will SHUT your FACE for ever more!! See the Pakeha now giving MAORI Auckland BACK HULLO again!!! The penny is fallen from HEAVEN above and you lot will get caught in your own DNA cant MATCH MOAI and you TRYING to JUSTIFY your EXISTENCE!! It’s clear you FORCED your WAY onto our LAND and INTO our INDIGENOUS GENES!!! Now what more you want to say about my COMMENTS that are here on this SITE??? They are meant to SPLIT you BASTARDS UP THE GUTS and OPEN out your FRAUD ALIEN INVASION CRAP!! Now go and see your CARNAGE on my WEBSITE and TWITTER you Numbskulls talk a lot of BULL HISTORY>> MORIORI came out of WANOA Peoples MOAI pre 300AD>>> Go get some EDUCATION from my SITE and see who can SUE ME if I NAME YOU or ANYONE. I see how much POWER MANA you all GOT against MOAI sitting in more than these STATES ENGLAND FRANCE SCOTLAND WALES BELGIUM GERMANY ITALY IRELAND SANTIAGO NEW YORK UNITED NATIONS WASHINGTON NEW ZEALAND JAPAN CHINA SINGAPORE APEC>>>> Would you believe all STOLEN off my WANOA CARVERS TOHUNGA GODS CHILDREN... And no matter how many words you call me IT’S always going to be the BAD ALIENS HISTORY of WHITE THIEF STEALS INDIGENOUS GOD MOAI LAND and PUT YOUSELF in place of GOD with a Fukin JESUS BIBLE LAW written by Fukin PAKEHA for PAKEHA and its clear as MUD that CHURCHES MINISTERS CROWN and JESUS STEALS LAND off my MOAI PEOPLE!!!! And it was PAKEHA who made up all the MAORI MORIORI HISTORY is CRAP FRAUD STUFF MADE by PAKEHA that is now COLLAPSING around your EARS.... How about SUFFERING for 170 years we have suffered while you had been settling yourselves on a foreign soil!!! You academics don't have the real WAIRUA SPIRIT!! Interfering with our Ancestors is a MAJOR CRIME EXPOSED on my website NOT A PRETTY PICTURE as this article is! You can’t stand the HEAT why you all stopped slugging me off putting me down yep you now!!
>>>Continue on next Comment Page2
John wanoa
Now go and look in the mirror while you read your History of WHITEMAN BATTERING of NATIVES on my WEBSITE. And for you information YOU will never be like ME and I will never be like YOU... I would NEVER do that to YOU>>> Go and DIG UP MY PAST and EXAMINE ME!!! You have a BLOODY NERVE and a DAMMED CHEEK to go and TOUCH MY ANCESTORS... For that you get HIT!! Because it is TAPU STUFF you interfering with LOOK at TONGA SAMOA and HAITI!! Now wait for the BIG BANG ERAATH QUAKE in WELLINGTON!!! If you PLEASE>>> You wouldn't even UNDERSTAND how MOAI moved themselves around EASTER ISLAND just as you would never understand why I am WRITING ABOUT you and wasting my ENERGY ON YOU to CORRECT all your PAST CORRUPTED HISTORY and you can KISS JESUS and your BIBLE GOODBY!!! He was not around on EASTER ISLAND and NEW ZELAND!! You BASTARDS brought home here and sitting around waiting for him to come BACK!!! Well I got some BAD NEWS for YOU>> But I will KEEP THAT to MOAI and ME and LEAVE YOU MUZZLED PUZZLED and DISTRAUGHT at the thought of your UN-INTELLIGENCE needs RE CONDITIONING and a HEAD PLANE and VALVE GRIND and your CYLINDERS BORED out OVERSIZE!!! At least that’s my MECHANICS IMPRESSION OF YOU... SO Here go look at MOAI Website and take your MIRROR with you and look at it while you read MOAI stuff!!
John Wanoa
Native Customary Legal Advocate Royalist Land Investigator Assignee (International News Reporter)
MOAI SOVEREIGN STATE established in 50+ International States MOAI STATUES sits on his GODS LAND!
Dared Tuesday 16th February 2010
Friday 19th March 2010
MAPS and you lot of PAKEHA Hell raisers! Where is all the Pakeha History to match MOAI WANOA STATUE History 300AD beyond when you only entered the Pacific in 1722 Dutch who saw all the MOAI standing till the fuckin ENGLISH Bold them over with the Fuckin GERMANS I should know??? I have my DNA to MATCH MOAI back beyond 300AD now where is your PAKEHA DNA and that MOAI sitting in LONDON was carved by my WANOA ANCESTORS. Now prove me wrong Richard Taylor. What have all you Historians got to match it??? Why isn't anyone commenting now? Why the silence? EGNGLISH STOLE MY MOAI in 1868AD Now tell me which White man is responsible for the theft I Know GOD Told me so Now you tell me why the bloody hell is my MOAI doing in LONDON???
John Wanoa Whiteman has a lot to answer to the Indigenous WANOA PEOPLE OF RAPANUI ISLAND RAIATEA and AOTEA ISLANDS. Your Whiteman was no where near the place and JESUS a PAKEHA TROUBLE MAKER thing is. WE NATIVES go straight to GOD. Now it’s still a Mystery to the Whiteman how my Ancestors Levitated the MOAI around the Island. You bastards wouldn't have a bloody clue how that works!! Would you not know our History super Natural Power? Now no more BULLSHIT VIRUSES and MUTATES MUTINY on the BOUNTY PAKEHA now the PAKEHA THIEVES ASB BANK ROBBERS and LAND THIEVES and MOAI THIEVES. There where is KERI HUME and her BULLSHIT HISTORY. I write my own MOAI WANOA TRUE HISTORY back to GOD and he moves heaven and earth like CHILE STOLE MY MOAI and look what happen to them and JAPAN Stile him too all get punished and Britain too for stealing off us. I wish you people would not tamper with our ANCESTORS BONES like ONE TREE HILL and AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT is BAD PAKEHA BAD TO DID TUPUNA UP COST YOU IN THE END. Anyone wants a fight the History or you all wimps. All the Treaty Claims are BULLSHIT HISTORY fabricated by PAKEHA who screwed MAORI woman and killed the men like ENGLISH murdered my MOAI WANOA People the BASTARDS. Go and have a look at my website is all about you lot in front of the whole bloody world now!!! Good bloody job GOD RAKE the hell out of you lot. Now who has the GUTS to try and SUE ME Go on! Try as you may, the NZ Government JUDGES are STUFFED in the HEAD and Useless meaningless Mongrels got a lot to pay for your Ancestors to get you where you are over our Native Land and our People, not so fast because you don’t have the Absolute Title, but WE DO! You have NO EVIDENCE other than ASSUMPTIONS.
John Wanoa Mechanic Sledge Hammers
Thank you for your comments Naveed Ahmad Khan having gone through my blog. You can get more from me from here or directly from me or my Website where you will find some Historic and Legal Documents but not all are here on this website because they take up too much space. The Truth is emerging now where the white man cannot explain his fraudulent land acquisitions and discovery of a discovered land before they arrived. You can see that the new Zealand Crown Treaty Negotiator DOUG GRAEME was brought out of Retirement by the present FRAUD Attorney General CHRISTOPHER FINLAYSON has been caught red handed committing FRAUDULENT Land Dealings Transactions with the present Solicitor General DAVID COLLINS who is caught up in LOMBARD FINANCE Company FRAUDULENT Dealings I now EXPOSE on Facebook, Twitter and Google Buzz Websites and on my website as well with JOHN KEY and PITA SHARPLES very much the Laughing Stock in front of the world I have NO SYMPATHY for in the wake of the UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION of the RIGHTS of the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE I push these Legal Issues under our MOAI SOVEREIGN STATE NATIVE AUTHORITY ABSOLUTE over this Countries MAORI Affairs Minister of an English surname and New Zealand Government of a Pakeha name not in line with MOAI Paternal DNA Ancestral Connections to MOAI WANOA People and my WANOA name that is shaking this Government and Pakeha loose.
426/2 Tapora Street
Auckland waterfront
Saturday 24th April 2010
Thank you for your comments Naveed Ahmad Khan Reply here or directly to me on my Website where you will find some Historic and Legal Documents but not all are here on this website lengthy and accurate written for my own MOAI WANOA History of TE PITO O TE HENUA Island RAPANUI Eater Island and AOTEA New Zealand exclusive to MOAI WANOA People HAPU. The RUAWAIPU HAPU NATIVE Council is in my own Tribal Boundary area of WAIAPU EAST CAPE North Island New Zealand currently enforcing these our MOAI NATIVE SOVEREIGN STATE AUTHORITY to Self Government RULE of MOAI LORE GODS LORE Absolute over these Lands Resources Foreshore's and Seabeds superseding the FRAUDULENT New Zealand Parliament Law of No LAND TITLE CLAIM against MOAI SOVEREIGN STATE Government and LORE enforced.
John Wanoa Legal Advocate Assignee Debtor Management Authority
Nasty stuff Hone lol, putting aside the Queen and the poo pa lol, have you been given consent by the Taumata at Te Ti Marae? I never herd anything on the 26-27-28th of October 2007,2008,2009, please pray tell……………..
What I do know there is a group that was given the right by the Taumata on the 6th of February 2010 to form a Kawanatanga and I know it wasn’t you or who ever your with………
I have no problem with the criticism towards John Wanoa, as I know the man personally. But to say Maori’s were savage invaders?
To top things off our language is used to described a Moriori whare? That in its self is a joke, Map in terms of wairua and whakapapa be very mindful of your criticism towards Mauri iwi whenua for it may inflicted some serious consequences on you by those not of this world…
Wednesday 22nd September 2010 AUCKLAND CITY 1010 NEW ZEALAND
Go here and see me BLAST YOU LOT with the CORRECT HISTORY and TRUTH you have to REBUT and if you dont then you are a FRAUD with JOHN KEY, ANAND SATYANAND and CHRIS FINLAYSON qwho failed to CHALLENGE my HISTORY and MOAI WANOA CLAIMS!
426/2 Tapora Street
Auckland Waterfront
New Zealand
Well-written article about the perils of believing any of the dribble coming from John Wanoa. What a complete and utter nutter. The thing that makes nutters like him dangerous, is that they appeal to the dis-affected folks who cant think for themselves and who need an issue that coincidentally explains why their own lives are crap.
JW has been espousing this nonsense for years. He used to hassle another blog regularly and they suffered from his vitriole for some time - right up until they got sick of his nonsense and blacklisted him.
Keep it up.
My great great great grandfather x
Please can we talk, I fn knew they were all talking teka, that Gentle man in the picture is my Poppa the Grandson of the Moriori Chief. My Poppa escaped the war.
Camelia Jackson 02108936380
Sorry his father escaped the genocide. Yip my family is disgusting, but then who the shark feeding them this b.s 🤭 just look see who got all the money
Take a guess my Poppa passed 1850, so in actual fact Tommy Soloman was not the last full blooded Moriori, my Poppa is. 💜
They think they can dictate my whakapapa, they got another thing acoming, Iaroha me rongo ✨️
And no he is not a te retimana, that's his auntys last name, the one who married Retimana te mania 🤭
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