From Fort Hood to Broken Hill
Army officials and liberal pundits are suggesting that Hasan is a troubled man, who gunned down his comrades for essentially personal reasons; right-wing firebrands like Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, are noting Hasan's Muslim faith and Arab ethnicity, and suggesting that he was attempting to wage jihad inside America's largest military base. Liberals are accusing conservatives of seizing on Hasan's actions to bash Muslims; conservatives accuse liberals of trying to ignore the evidence for a 'Islamist fifth column' in America because it does not suit their prejudices.
Is it really possible, though, to make the sort of easy distinction between personal and political motivations which both the liberals and the right-wingers seem to be insisting upon, when they consider Hasan's actions? If, as the liberals maintain, Hasan had been made suicidally unbalanced by racial slights, overwork, and the prospect of a dangerous tour of duty in Iraq, could his self-destructive impulses not have led him to the ideology of Osama bin Laden, an ideology which valourises the suicides of many disturbed men? And if Hasan was waging jihad at Fort Hood, can conservatives fairly ignore the grievances which may have lain somewhere behind his decision to take such action?
When I heard about Hasan's shooting spree in the dry centre of Texas I was reminded of a group of deserted rocks that Skyler and I visited a couple of months ago in the dry centre of Australia. White Rocks, which is the typically imaginative name Australians have given to a set of quartz outcrops on the edge of the silver mining town of Broken Hill, was the place where two Muslims were shot dead on New Year's Day 1915 after an extended battle with dozens of armed police.
Badsha Mahomed Gool and Mullah Abdullah were two of the hundreds of Muslims who had emigrated to Australia in the nineteenth century to drive camels through the Outback. Referred to by the Aussies as Afghans, although they came from territory which was then a part of British India and which is now controlled by Pakistan, the camel drivers eventually established communities and built mosques in several parts of the Outback. Abdullah had settled in Broken Hill, and become a religious leader of the Afghan community there; Gool had become an ice cream vendor.
On the first morning of 1915 Gool loaded guns and ammunition into his ice cream cart. He and Abdullah and hauled the unlikely terrorist vehicle to a spot overlooking the rail line that connected Broken Hill with the nearby village of Silverton. A group of miners and their families had chartered a train to take them to a picnic at Silverton; Gool and Abdullah opened fire on the carriages, killing three people, including a small girl, and wounding eleven. Waving a homemade Ottoman flag, the two attackers retreated to White Rocks, where they made their suicidal stand.
Gool and Abdullah had opened fire on members of the most left-wing, anti-war community in Australia. Broken Hill was the birthplace of modern trade unionism in New South Wales, and a bastion first of the revolutionary syndicalism of the Industrial Workers of the World and later of the Communist and Labour parties. Many Broken Hill miners were critics of British imperialism, and the town voted heavily against conscription in the two referenda held on the issue during World War One.
Even in death, it seems, the Outback's first Muslims have been marginalised.
The conspiracy wackos are saying it was a false flag psy-op by the New World Order:
“The context is a war. Hasan switched sides. All kinds of people do this during wars.” - Michael Rosen
"seemingly minor personal grievances caused by exclusion and discrimination can turn mysteriously into an outburst of political violence."
agree. i've personally known people to have joined extremist, violent movements because of such 'grievances'. these seem to accumulate till a point of desperation and a need to explode, as it were.
in a similar vein, the first large(ish) scale challenge to british rule in india was sparked off by a rumour that bullets in the british army were smeared with animal fat!
"seemingly minor personal grievances caused by exclusion and discrimination can turn mysteriously into an outburst of political violence."
Those being villified are damned if they do respond and damned if they don't; the discriminators get away with it everytime and then stand back to watch the resulting explosion their racism caused and claim "I was only joking/ it was only a pet name/I didn't mean anything by it, etc"
Then they twist the facts around and claim the perpetrator had been planning this for months/years/was recruited by XYZ group/had been trained to infiltrate Blah Blah....all the while the Teflon comes out and all responsibility is sloughed off, leaving them squeaky clean.
So terrorism is OK in your book Maps?
Feddabonn - The rumours that caused the were true.
"The final spark was provided by the reaction of Company officers to the controversy over the ammunition for new Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle. To load the new rifle, the sepoys had to bite the cartridge open. It was believed that the paper cartridges that were standard issue with the rifle were greased with lard (pork fat) which was regarded as unclean by Muslims, or tallow (beef fat), regarded as anathema to Hindus"
St Bartholomew’s Day followed years of constant harassing of Catholics wherever Protestants were the majority not to mention Admiral Coligy’s plans to betray his country.
@ross: when we were studying the mutiny (admittedly a while ago) the historians still seemed undecided whether the lee enfield rifles *actually used tallow or lard, though that was the common belief. i should dust off some books!
Feddabonn is right, Wikipedia is wrong, or at least overstating its case. There were also rumors of pork fat in chapatis etc.
It's inaccurate to think that the Sepoy Uprising was actually "caused" by these things - they're more like symptoms of the underlying causes.
Hi there, I'm writing from Mildura 300kms South of Broken Hill - which makes us neighbors out here. I really love Broken Hill, I got married there. It's a wonderful town with a great socially progressive history, brought about largely by the extreme conditions out there and the myriad of cultural influences. I enjoyed your post, it's pretty bloody accurate, especially considering most Aussies don't know the story. Just one small, but important mistake that I noticed - You claim Broken Hill is a Silver mining town. It does produce a little silver but it's really a lead mining town, followed by zinc and then silver. It is the worlds largest Lead deposit. Cheers.
Hi Bacondrum,
many apologies for that blunder! I have relatives in Mildura, and in many other parts of the Mallee, especially Wycheproof and Nullawil. My wife and I stayed in your town late in 2009, in between visiting Lake Mungo, and enjoyed the art deco architecture and the sense of being in an oasis in the middle of a very large desert. I blogged about the visit to Mungo:
Look forward to checking out your blogs...
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