Time for a shave

I shaved off my moustache early this morning, in the aftermath of last night's successful launch of Private Bestiary, my selection of long-lost poems by Kendrick Smithyman. Skyler had tolerated the bristling thing on my upper lip for several long weeks, after I'd assured her that it was an important part of my attempts to 'get in character' while I prepared the eternally mustachioed Smithyman's texts for publication, but there are limits to her patience.
The launch party at Old Government House attracted about seventy punters, whose ages ranged from seven months to eighty-eight years. There were Emeritus Professors, controversialist bloggers, retired politicians, trade union troublemakers, and much-published poets in attendance, but one of the most distinguished guests was an overweight, middle-aged Jack Russell named Pippy. The hound is the near-constant companion of actor and muso Richard Anderton, who took the stage near the end of the launch and added his falsetto to Bill Direen's performance of a specially-written adaption of Smithyman's poem 'Inheritance'.
Pippy may appear perfectly amiable and move about in a slow waddle, but the dog can, at the right moment, be brutal: during the Christchurch leg of Bill Direen's national tour a couple of years ago it took to one of a senior Kiwi politician's prize bantam roosters with a ferocious glee, and only a couple of days ago it apparently disposed of one of the chooks of a neighbour of Vincent Ward while Richard was visiting the film-maker's home. A friend of mine happens to be Ward's personal assistant, and when she turned up at Old Government House and saw Pippy waddling in her direction she felt a rush of fear. 'Hide the roosters!' she urged me.

Here's 'Randall' without that final line:
Something about a fire engine
gets at you, it's special. How they come
howling, flashing and such
better than ambulances or cop cars.
Randall was really turned on by them.
That's why he turned in alarms.
Eventually somebody noticed: all those false alarms,
time and again the same kidding hanging around.
He was grabbed. They put the fear of God into him.
No more false alarms, get it?
He got it. Next time was for real,
biggest turnout ever, appliances from all over.
Timber yard, chemical stores depot,
gum trees at the railway siding, a garage and repair
shop, everything going up with a bang,
with sirens and flashing lights.
Psychs muttered about aversion therapy.
They weren't hopeful, "Wait and see".
[ mystery last line ]
Punters tried a variety of gambits in their efforts to guess the final line of 'Randall'. A couple of cool, rational types apparently figured that there was a good chance the final line of the poem would echo, or even repeat, an earlier line or lines. Here are the guesses of one 'Ivan V', Sarah Bogle, and an anonymous punter:
Ivan V:
See how they come howling, flashing and such
better than ambulances or cop cars...
Eventually somebody noticed,
all those false alarms.
"Wait and see."
Paul Litterick is noted for his satirical blog posts, and the final line he supplied had a hint of satire:
Richard Taylor, Jack Ross, and 'David M' supplied gothic final lines:
God was whimpering in electric and fiery alarm [Richard]
Randall just smiled. Somewhere inside he burned. [Jack]
Electrodes on the ready, no gel. [David]
Should we be worried that, according to the e mail address he supplied along with his entry, David works for a health board?
Lisa Samuels is often seen as one of the most uncompromisingly avant-garde poets at work in New Zealand, but the series of final lines she supplied for 'Randall' all involved rhyme:
He'll burn the Statue of Liberty...
Plangeant emissary of you, of me...
With their glass-blowing, as another possibility...
The real final line of the poem was 'We waited. Maybe we're still seeing'. Anna Forsyth, who wrote "Yes we will see" muttered Randall, fondling his lighter' and Sarah Bogle are joint winners of the prize for most accurate guess, and Genevieve McClean wins the prize for most imaginative guess after submitting these strange lines:
Frightened, inquisitive, slapdash and blue,
freaking out at the wind, the people's thunder, Mao Tse Tung
watching the mosquito

My sincere thanks to everyone who came last night, and my special thanks to Margaret Edgcume, Kendrick's widow and marvellously helpful literary executor, and to the wonderful Graham Perkins, Kendrick's lifelong friend and wartime writing partner.

Congrats on the successful launch!
Re: the moustache though you really are better off forgetting about that and instead joining a true leftist fashion cause - the BLF - among whose ranks I have been pleased to count myself for the best part of a year now.
Thanks Tim. Just for the record: I was a lot sweatier than Jack last night, so I hope it doesn't seem like I'm sniffing at him! What's with this idea that one has to wear a formal/semi-formal shirt and long pants to a literary event, anyway? It's a bit of an ask when summer has hit Auckland...
Couldn't agree more re: the ridiculousness of such dress protocol in Auckland during summer. I remember I had a very uncomfortable time of it when I was last there for a 3 day conference at the university back in February.
Even here on the Mainland it can be a bit of a tall order, which is why I am pleased that the part of my employment that requires such attire usually ceases with the end of the academic year.
I suppose one solution might be to re-locate all conferences and formal literary events during the period from November until March to either Stewart Island or the Northern Hemisphere (Spain is quite tolerable at this time of year...)
Egad, I can see my relaxed self in two of those photos you've posted, Scott! A great function, many thanks for the notice about it. I have done my bit for the cause and referenced the book over on my blog -- Private Bestiary is well worth the attention.
Yes, u were quite sweaty by the end of it; great oily beads on yr eminent forehead. Bare chests & lava lava for the next one? A shame about Vincent Ward's neighbour's chook. Gives new meaning to 'free range'. Marvellous launch!
Looks like you had a great book launch. Last night Lisa read me Jackie Marmon. Smithyman paints with his words. Meantime yesterday I was on the website reading his works. Add a new fan of Smithyman to the mix
Yes - it was a great launch. I didn't even feel hot at all. I didn't notice Jack sweating - digital cameras do strange things.
The book is great. I like the comments on the poems.
Re the last line - I had no idea what Smithyman's poem was about - I see now on here though...hmm... - so I just wrote anything that came into my head - the only thing was, I thought Smithyman might have played with "whimper" as against "bang".
Poems like 'Randall' are typical of the diverse and often bizarre topics Smithyman covered.
Very interesting range of poetry in the book.
I saw one film by Vincent Ward - it was intriguing but I wasn't hugely impressed by it.
But I didn't notice any dog there at all.
What can I say? I'm a sweaty boy ...
I'm glad to see all those suggested last lines to the "Randall" poem memorialised. I hope the winners have been sent copies by now. Personally I'd have given the prize to Genevieve.
Having now read the book, Maps, I do have to say that while it may be a little unorthodox to supply virtually as many pages of notes as there are poems, the whole thing does come across as extremely entertaining. And some of the poems (at least) are fantastic! There's no question that this is a great project - I just wonder what further treasures are lurking in there ...
your moustache has a real ron jeremy quality about it. this is not a good thing.
p.s. your joke under the comment on my blog (at least i think it was a joke) got me thinking. see said post for said thoughts.
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