A visit to the underworld

Upstairs it was summer. Cicadas hissed in tune with the traffic, & the air smelt of rotting pohutukawa blossom and melting tar. But New Lynn station was dim and cool and abandoned, like a silo that had fired its missiles.
We sat and waited for a train, any train, and I told Aneirin how sorry I felt for the escalators, as they made their ceaseless pointless ascents, descents. 'But they're busy today' Aneirin said. 'They're carrying all the spirits up to our world.'
Scott: you and Trump share an ("obsession"?) with tweeting I see. FB and a few Blogs are enough for me. Good post here. How did you get under the rail station? Is is abandoned. I haven't been on a train or bus for years.
It's true Richard - I've been swallowed by twitter! It's hard to get the time to make blog posts at the moment. NL train station's not abandoned: it's only recently been rebuilt, to accomodate the expected hordes of new commuters from the nearby Westedge development, which will put 1800 homes on 11 hectares where the Crown Lynn pottery used to stand. We just found it on a quite afternoon...
Dr Hamilton. I hereby register our disgust and constenation at this downward spiral of a man once so august and erudite into a) galivanting on Twitter a)1 Further to a) that the said galivanter has deeply neglected his fans etc etc and though no clear connection can be made between that redoubtable world Leader, Comrade Trump, Dr Hamilton, almost no less a figure, has joined the ranks of that august, but, clearly obsessive Comedian of Human Affairs...and b) Dr Hamilton has greatly neglected this wonderful Blog which while under peril from what is now termed by the "lower people" and the dubious and generally corrupt Press, the overworked and pathetic label of 'Social Media'....
However the Dr in question is at least, honest: he has been swallowed indeed.
I recall Crown Lynn Pottery. Another general tragedy is the destruction and devaluation of NZ industries for those of dubious nations who have names most of us cannot or wont pronounce, even if we so wanted.
I myself yearn for "the good old days" and await with excitement the final flames as they leap toward all naive Enlightenment and post Enlightenment pathetitudes and absurdities such as "Hope" and "Progress".
Apart from that I remain neglected by many of me old mates....Woe is I!
[Some would say I have only my own eremitic self to blame...]
It seems I'm on the right track, I hope I can do well. The result was something I did and was doing to implement it.
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